Personal Growth

Erika Slater headshot photo 300x300Personal Growth is all about not standing still but growing and being all you can be. But it’s easy to get “lost” in our fast-paced world and the stress of just making it through each day, and the demands of others.

Self-improvement starts with a desire and belief you deserve everything in life you can get. It then requires commitment and focus to stay the course to achieve your goals. Yes, you are worth it! The journey is lifelong, but it should be rewarding and fun.

Personal growth means dedication to your goals and willingness to persevere through barriers and hardships, and the selection of materials you’ll find here cover insights into mental toughness and resilience, confidence and self-esteem, self-improvement, managing stress, accepting the power of your mind and much more.

Enjoy the articles.

How to Stop Feeling Ostracized Amongst Peers

By Peter Sacco
young girl depressed image

I believe that never before has the need been so great to fit in amongst one’s peers as it is now. It seems that each time you turn to the news you read about or hear about another child or teenager who has been a recent victim of bullying. For every one of them you read about, there are countless others who are enduring the same detrimental experiences. It would seem that too many today are going along with bullies, or those who run other people’s lives because they are too afraid to take a stand and do the right thing. Do you know what doing the right thing is? More here…

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How to Develop Optimism

By Peter Sacco
Glaa with Water Image

There is an old saying that goes something like this, “If you think you can than you are probably right, and if you think you can’t then you are probably right as well!” So which side of this two headed coin (namely your mind do you want to fall on? If you picked the “think you can” side, then you are well on your way to optimism! Often times you will hear people compare themselves to the “glass” analogy. If they refer to a glass as being “half empty” then they are a negative or pessimistic thinker. On the other hand, when someone refers to the glass as being “half full” then they are thought of as a positive or optimistic thinker. Really? Here’s some enlightenment and what to do.

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Getting in the Zone – What it Means and How to Get There

By Peter Sacco
Focus and Concentration Image

Have you ever heard of the concept, “Getting in the zone”? When you read this are you compelled to believe it is a specific place or location that you have to get to? Getting in the zone or into the zone means getting into your mind’s eye and spirit and truly living in the moment. Whenever you get into the zone, you are feeling the moment with the entirety of your senses as your senses become highly focused. In hypnosis or meditation this is referred to as being in a “here and now moment”, or possessing “tunnel vision.” Here’s more about it and how to get in the zone yourself.

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The Difference Between Interest Versus Commitment to Make Changes

By Peter Sacco
Woman in Doubt Image

How do you know when you are committed to something rather than just possessing a passing fancy or interest in something? Are there mystical bells and whistles that go off letting you know that you are “In all the way baby!”? At what point does your interest cross that fine line and become a commitment or a major lifestyle change for you? Simple! When you look forward each and every day to doing it, or there is something inside of you that makes you feel like you just can’t or don’t want to live without it! Here’s more about being committed or merely interest and the difference it makes to making significant changes such as losing weight or quitting smoking…

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Self-Talk Confidence Builders

By Erika Slater
Bad Self-Talk Image

Are you familiar with the expression, “You are what you eat?” I am sure you have probably heard it spoken, but what about this one, “You are what you think about most?” Before reading any further, what is it that you tell yourself most about you? Do you think about yourself in a positive and successful light, or are you your own worst critic, condescending and putting yourself down every opportunity you get? You see, the choice is yours – You are what you think! The key to gaining or creating self-confidence begins with you. More here…

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How to Improve Your Self-Image

By Erika Slater
Self-Image Photo

They say that image is everything. You get one chance to make a first best impression! We dress for success not only with the clothes that we wear but all the behaviors and attitudes that we put on display. Are you happy with your current self-image? If not, are you ready to undergo a self-image makeover? Well, there is no time like the present so let’s get started!

To start out, if you were asked to describe yourself, what would you say about yourself?

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Using Mental Rehearsals to Get the Results You Desire

By Erika Slater
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How are some people apparently able to master things so much easier than others? Some people can physically practice and rehearse something for hours, even sometimes days, whereas some individuals practice and rehearse minimally and they look like they have been doing what they do best before they were even born. What’s with that? Why are some people better than others at certain things even though they don’t have the same training, background or have not sacrificed the same amount of time to hone their skills? Here’s the secret…

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How to Focus on the Right Outcome to Get What you Want

By Erika Slater
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Where thoughts go energy flows! Have you ever heard that expression? What about the whole notion of self-fulfilling prophecy – what we think we are or what we will do is a given? You see, in either of these statement scenarios, you have focused on the outcome often times without even knowing that you have. In fact, you might have focused on the “negative aspect of the outcome” in that you expected the worse before it happened even though you hoped for the best. And still you wonder why things never turn out the way you had hoped for them to turn out even though you “hoped for the best”! Want to know why?

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Keeping a Sense of Humor Can Save Your Life

By Erika Slater
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Are you one of those people who have a hard time laughing– at life or at yourself? To quote the Joker from the Batman movie The Dark Knight, “Why so serious?” Have you always been the serious type, afraid to let your guard down and smile? Perhaps you were told to “grow up” when you were still very young and all of the “happy” energies of childhood were let out of your sails. Let me ask you, do you have frown lines or happy, smile lines? Your facial lines will tell a lot about your disposition toward humor or lack of it. How about we turn those frown lines to happy lines, or those happy lines to bigger happy lines? Are you game?

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How to Cope with Any Situation

By Erika Slater
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Are there times in your life that get real trying for you where you wonder, “How the heck am I going to get through this?” Do you find that as stress builds and builds in your life that you have difficulty coping with any and all situations, even the small ones? Well, it’s time to learn to stop sweating the small stuff so to speak! There will be times in your life when you feel that the proverbial wheels are falling off. Ironically, when it rains it pours in terms of stress. You literally become a stress magnet when bad or not so great things start to happen and they seem to become compounded. You take or allow any small situation that is quasi-distressing and allow it to gain momentum to the point that it appears to be the end of the world. Why does this happen?

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...