Personal Growth

Erika Slater headshot photo 300x300Personal Growth is all about not standing still but growing and being all you can be. But it’s easy to get “lost” in our fast-paced world and the stress of just making it through each day, and the demands of others.

Self-improvement starts with a desire and belief you deserve everything in life you can get. It then requires commitment and focus to stay the course to achieve your goals. Yes, you are worth it! The journey is lifelong, but it should be rewarding and fun.

Personal growth means dedication to your goals and willingness to persevere through barriers and hardships, and the selection of materials you’ll find here cover insights into mental toughness and resilience, confidence and self-esteem, self-improvement, managing stress, accepting the power of your mind and much more.

Enjoy the articles.

How to Boost Your Networking Confidence

By Peter Sacco
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If you are in business, sales or a part of an organization that places high value on the nature of networking, that is meeting people to promote your business or yourself, then the ability to not only speak but articulate yourself well is perhaps one the most important skills that is required to succeed. Many people are apprehensive when it comes to speaking in front of others at a professional level, and especially when it comes to promoting themselves. Drawing attention to oneself at the risk of looking or sounding foolish is most likely the last thing that anyone wants to experience. If networking your business or yourself is new to you, or you have been apprehensive about doing it in the past, perhaps this article is for you. Read more…

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How to Overcome Stubbornness

By Peter Sacco
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Have you ever been accused of being stubborn? There are many terms which are often synonymous with being stubborn. If you have been called; “hard headed, pig headed, bull headed, thick, inflexible, rigid, set in your ways, or even a dinosaur”, then someone may be trying to point out that you are as stubborn as a mule and need to change. Being single-minded and determined is okay, as long as it doesn’t cross boundaries or ignore the thoughts, ideas or opinions of others when they matter. After a while, folks get tired of being around “legends in their own minds” that dictate how everything is done, and soon stubborn people are left to themselves. For all intents and purposes, stubbornness is truly a choice… a mindset! Want to change…

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Self-Mastery and Impulse Control

By Peter Sacco
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Some individuals have what are called impulse control disorders whereby they act impulsively, sometimes planned or most times unplanned. Impulse control disorders are real mental health problems which psychology has diagnosed for years. Whenever an individual possesses a specific type of impulse control disorder, they usually feel a distressing tension or become highly aroused, then they feel the need to act out on it to feel some sort of relief from committing the act, or deriving some sense of pleasure or gratification from having followed through. Often times thereafter, the individual is most likely to experience a sense of shame, guilt, regret or even remorse for committing the act, especially if it has hurt or offended another person. Read more…

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How to Use Hypnosis for Martial Arts

By Peter Sacco
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When people hear about martial arts (karate, judo, Tai Chi, etc.) linked to the mind, they often times begin thinking about “intense concentration” and mental discipline. Well, they are right because this “art” definitely does require one to have tremendous focus and mental discipline if they are truly serious about mastering their martial art. In the most famous karate movie, “The Karate Kid”, the sensei teacher “Mr. Miyagi” keeps reminding his pupil “Danielson” to focus as, “Karate is all in here!” as he points to his head. What he is really saying is you can’t have one without the other meaning, a perfect mind/body relationship to master the art. Read more here…

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How to Improve your Chess Playing

By Peter Sacco
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Do you play chess, or have you ever wanted to learn to play it? Are you trying to improve your current level of play? Well, then perhaps if you improve your ability to concentrate and “see things” ahead of time, you will also see your game improve. They say that chess is the ultimate thinking person’s game. Well, in order to be the ultimate thinking person, you first have to first improve on your level of concentration as well as being able to predict and see the “moves” of the game unfold before they even happen. Even though chess may appear to be a slow moving game based on patience, it is a fast moving thought processing game! Read more here…

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How to Keep Emotions Off Your Face

By Peter Sacco
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Are you a person who is very easy to read by their facial expressions? Are there times when you try your best not to express emotions, especially at work or in a social setting because you worry that others are going to see right through you? Perhaps you have a hard time shutting it down around loved ones and friends – you do not want to show emotion and be so transparent that they can manipulate your triggers. The famous term “poker face” is used for people who are able to keep a straight face and not show emotion, in the in face of pressure or adversity. Through practice and hypnosis, you can achieve this too. Read more…

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21 Ways to Better Sport Performance using Self-Hypnosis

By Erika Slater
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Hypnosis has been used for decades to help Professional and Olympic athletes reach their optimum performance in competition. Sports psychologists long ago identified that reaching peak for an athlete wasn’t just the result of physical preparation but also mental preparation. Top sports teams begun to involve people with the skills to teach an athlete how to mentally prepare to get to the top in their sport. Now you can access the secrets employed by top performance athletes to improve your abilities and results. It’s like having your own professional sports psychologist as part of your team helping you get the optimum from your game every day. Discover more…

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Using Self-Hypnosis to Get What You Want

By Peter Sacco
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Those who get what they want, or get the most of what they set out for or wish to accomplish are known to set intentions. Intentions are knowing exactly what you want and then believing you can get what you want by focusing your attention on it. You live from a point of passion – believing that you can achieve or get what you want. In essence, it really is mind over matter in that what you want most matters to your mind and your mind finds a way to get it! Most of what we get or accomplish comes about because we talk to ourselves about it in our minds. Discover more here…

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Using Self-Talk to Make Positive Changes

By Peter Sacco
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Everyone carries around with them an inner voice… your voice. This is your self-talk. You are always talking to yourself. When you are awake, your self-talk is often of a conscious nature, but there is also unconscious self-talk which at times takes over, or reminds your conscious mind of something that happened in the past which now makes you dwell on it in the present moment. When you sleep, your mind shifts from an active state (conscious) to a passive state (unconscious) and your ‘self-talk’ then becomes one of being in a state of overdrive – your unconscious mind does all the talking for you in the form of dreams. Read more to learn how to make your self-talk positive.

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How to Participate in Conversations Easily

By Peter Sacco
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Talking with other people is second nature for most, first nature for some! Some people are masters at talking while others are dominators of conversation–they don’t let others get a word in edge-wise. Then there are those who have a hard time clearing their throats and adding something to the conversation. They would rather be seen and not heard. Why is it that some people find it so difficult to participate in conversations easily? If you are one of those who have a difficult time speaking, then perhaps reading this will help you.

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...