Hypnosis Resources for Changing Habits and Beliefs

Erika Slater CH image showing head and upper body shot

Below you'll find access to the most popular resources at this website to provide you more information about hypnosis, mindset, NLP and related topics. Just click on the link to access the resources for that specific topic.

This library of resources is being continually added to and updated so I encourage you to revisit often. Feel free to share the page on your favorite social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Your subconscious mind is the most powerful resource you have at your disposal but most people don't know how to reach and influence it to get everything in their life they deserve. It is possible to learn self-hypnosis to tap into this powerful resource and while this can involve practice and commitment the rewards are life long.

Most people seek out help from a professional local hypnotherapist to get them started down the self-hypnosis road.

Many people's first exposure to hypnosis is through a stage hypnotist. Stage hypnosis and hypnosis used to produce behavioral changes are world's apart from the outcomes. One is to entertain and the other is to produce a meaningful and significant change. While the work of both can be fun and enjoyable a hypnotherapist's job is to guide and direct a client to their own internal resources for achieving a specific outcome. Therapeutic hypnosis is not something that's "done to you." You're not a passive bystander in change therapy, but an active participant.

Hypnosis is the tool that lets you tap into your subconscious to change the mindset and habits holding you back.

Now grab a cup of your favorite beverage and find a quiet relaxing spot and settle in to discover the world of your unconscious mind and how you can use it to get just about anything in life you want.

Click any of the heading links to learn more about each of our hypnosis resource in our library.

A selection of the most popular questions we're asked about hypnosis along with our answers. Start here if you just want to sort out the facts from fiction and myths about hypnosis, and understand what you can expect from Free At Last Hypnosis.

Provides articles to give you an introductory understanding of hypnosis and how it works, and why it is so powerful to help you make changes in your life. You'll find information on topics such as mindfulness, mind-body connection, and rudimentary introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how it is used in many kinds of therapy work these days including my own stress and anxiety hypnosis management program.

While helping people with weight loss is an increasingly popular use of hypnosis these days, the fact is hypnosis is also used also for sugar addiction and emotional eating. If losing weight or eating healthy were as simple as following a diet then why is it so darn hard to stay on a diet and keep off the weight? The fact is our weight management library of resources covers the information you need to make the weight loss journey once whatever diet you decide as your vehicle.

If you're looking for information about my weight loss hypnosis service or my specific sugar addiction hypnosis program or laser-like lipo fat loss programs then check out my hypnosis services here >>> 

Smoking is a stubborn habit to stop. Many smoker's who want to stop also don't make it easy on themselves to quit. If you're a smoker and committed to stopping then read this small selection of articles so you understand how to go about it to give yourself the best chance of success. A hypnotist is not a magician and can't "scrub your brain" free of this habit - hypnosis doesn't work that way. You're an active participant in getting rid of your habit but first order is "are you ready?" Start here.

If you're looking for details about my signature stop smoking hypnosis programs then click here >>>

Confidence and especially self-esteem lies at the center of a number of issues we have in achieving our goals and everything we want out of life. While we can't have confidence in a skill we've just begun to learn otherwise we'd be an expert in everything we do immediately, we do frequently undersell our abilities with our expectations. Poor self-esteem though can infiltrate into our life in insidious ways and rot us from the inside leading to stress and even depression. In this comprehensive library of resources discover what separates confident people with high self-esteem from those who have low levels of either - hint: it doesn't take a miracle to change!

If you're looking for information about my in-office or online confidence and self-esteem hypnosis program then please click here >>>

Mental illness impacts about 20% of people. Those impacted can be suffering with a mental illness or be a parent, spouse, sibling or close family relative of somebody suffering with the illness. Caregivers are under immense stress to tend for their loved ones. Treatment mostly consists of medications. Other therapies are being introduced as research and studies provide insights, and these articles provide background materials with links to resources for you with a growing library of information.

Erika Slater CH
Free At Last Hypnosis

Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...