Peter Andrew Sacco Ph.D.
In addition to being an author of many books and more than 800 magazine articles, Sacco is an award-winning lecturer at universities in both the USA and Canada, specializing in relationships, criminal psychology, addictions, and mental health. He is also a frequent resident expert on several television programs and appears regularly as a guest expert on many news talk radio shows in the USA (FOX, ABC, CBS, Iheart, Coast To Coast, etc.), as well as hosting the weekly radio show “Matters of the Mind: Managing Relationships and Mental Health.” He is also an award-winning executive producer and host of documentaries on relationships, psychological issues and child issues.
Cognitive behavioral therapy can be seen as an amazing therapeutic tool for helping individuals who suffer from mental health disorders and addictions. As a result of its simple, easy and hands on nature (changing thoughts in the here and now), individuals and therapists alike boast of its tremendous benefits. In this article, I will examine both the benefits and criticisms of using cognitive behavioral therapy. The therapy itself can be used in individual sessions as well as support groups. Some people do better when they attend support groups that are CBT based as they meet with others with similar disorders and concerns who validate them. One of the greatest advantages of CBT is that it is skill-focused, structured and practical. This means that clients get specific education and practical coping skills on how to cope with their long-term problems – anxiety, depression, irrational thinking, addictions, etc. Read more…
Read MoreIt seems that losing weight for many people seems to be an increasing global trend. Let’s be honest, North Americans are considered to be one of the most obese societies in the world. Is it any surprise that many are asked by their physicians to lose weight, or they themselves believe that it is time for a physical makeover? Well, many will engage in dietary and fitness programs which will help them lose weight. Some will be successful and some will not, as they will revert back to their old habits, or lack the ambition to carry through on their intentions. For those who have lost the weight, what is next to make sure this doesn’t happen to you? Read more…
Read MoreMany people suffer from agoraphobia which is a fear of crowds and public places. They fear being amongst people because they feel unsure of themselves, are afraid they might say or do something stupid, or feel they will not fit in. The same often happens for some who do not want to be in or around groups of people. Even though “groups” are much smaller than “crowds”, the reasons they feel uncomfortable around groups is for the same reasons… feeling like they won’t fit in! By our very nature, people are supposed to be social creatures. You think that fitting in and interacting amongst groups of people would be second hand for all, if not most people. But it’s not. Read on…
Read MoreAlmost every health-related TV show or newspaper/magazine is denouncing processed sugars and of course soft drinks. Are they really that bad? Some media forums are going so far as to call soft drinks “health crushers.” Why are they suddenly so bad, or have they always been, but we’re just now identifying all of the negative consequences associated with consuming them? For starters, Harvard Medical School conducted an 11-year study on the effects of diet cola and kidney functioning in 3,000 women. What they found was eye-opening! The consumption of diet cola (most likely caused by the diet sweeteners in them) was associated with a two-fold risk for potential kidney decline. Unfortunately, the not so good information for soda consumption did not end there…
Read MoreAre you someone who has a hard time seeing the forest from the trees literally? That is, you’re not too in tune with nature and don’t do the ‘nature walk‘ thingy often, or ever? Are you more of an iron jungle and technology type of person, whereby everything that surrounds you is usually of a 9 to 5 mentality? Then perhaps you’re someone who could benefit from starting to see both the forest and the trees together and start connecting with your natural roots! Or maybe you remember those days when you did spend time in your favorite forest but haven’t had the chance for many years, and long to experience the peace and connection once again. When was the last time you went on a nature walk? Want to know how to one in your home? Read more…
Read MoreWould you consider yourself a confident, logical and successful person when it comes to decision making? Does it take you forever to make a decision, always wavering back and forth, or even putting it off by procrastinating, hoping that things will just go away? Perhaps you have what it takes to make the big decisions, confident in your abilities, knowing that whatever you choose, that is the right decision for you and that you are sticking to it. That folks is the hallmark of very successful people, especially in the world of business. This is all based on confidence – knowing and believing that you did the right thing because it was the right thing to do with whatever was happening at that time. Decision making truly is a skill. The good news is you can get this skill – read more here…
Read MoreThey say one of the things that people fear more than dying and/or going to the dentist is public speaking. Let’s face it, most likely early on in elementary school, and definitely by high school, you had to get up and give an oral presentation about something. You probably worried about messing up, forgetting something and looking foolish in front of your classmates. These thoughts and feelings most likely never left your unconscious mind and whenever you are asked to make an impromptu speech or presentation, your unconscious mind unleashes those old emotions and memories locked away in the filing cabinet and brings them to your conscious mind saying, “Oh yes, do you remember that you hate public speaking?”. Cue in worrying and this is the beginning of you getting reacquainted with your fear of public speaking all over again. Here’s what to do…
Read MoreLet’s face it, no one likes to feel or be rejected in life. When you are in a business or career where you solicit people for money because you hope to sell something, you can bet on there being a whole lot of rejection. Rejection has the markings of making someone lose confidence rather fast and run for the hills. When you keep getting repeated “no’s” and “Sorry, I am not interested…” it starts to become difficult to not take things so personal because after all it is you that is the one getting rejected. Is it any wonder that people who work in sales or telemarketing have one of the highest turnover rates? Being in sales is all about thinking, feeling and being confident! Those who are confident in sales know two things; first, that sales are based on probability in that the more people you speak with, the more likely you are to be rejected, and second, that “no’s” are just a formality in that you will eventually get a “yes”. Read more…
Read MoreAre you an orthorexic? If you have never heard of this concept, then perhaps you might want to read on as this is not a new phenomenon, but one that is getting more attention due to the greater emphasis in today’s society on eating healthy. Are you obsessed with eating healthy all of the time? Orthorexia nervosa was first coined by Dr. Steven Bratman to describe his own experiences with food choices and eating. It is not currently listed in the DSM-5 as an actual eating disorder, but has many of the qualities of an eating disorder which makes it similar to actual eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia. In a nutshell, othorexics have an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy all of the time. Read more…
Read MoreWhen you were a kid, what did you want to do when you grew up? Perhaps you had a dream to be a doctor, an athlete, an actor, a law enforcement officer, botanist… astronaut? When you used to think about it I bet you were passionate and excited over the prospect of one day living out your dream! Then something happened to you on the way to achieving your dream. Perhaps it was someone who told you to “Grow up and live in reality!”, or someone discouraged you from pursuing your dream and you eventually started losing interest in it until finally you “went for something more realistic and practical”. Does this sound familiar? There is nothing wrong with being realistic or practical, but there is also nothing wrong with chasing down your dreams and living them out! Read more…
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