How to Develop Optimism
by Peter Sacco
There is an old saying that goes something like this, “If you think you can than you are probably right, and if you think you can’t then you are probably right as well!”
So which side of this two headed coin (namely your mind do you want to fall on? If you picked the “think you can” side, then you are well on your way to optimism!
Often times you will hear people compare themselves to the “glass” analogy. If they refer to a glass as being “half empty” then they are a negative or pessimistic thinker. On the other hand, when someone refers to the glass as being “half full” then they are thought of as a positive or optimistic thinker.
You see, the true optimistic would see the glass as always being entirely full, even when half-filled with liquid, or completely empty of liquid. They recognize that the liquid-less part of the glass is always filled with oxygen.
This indeed is the ultimate optimist!
How does one develop a level of optimism so positive and full of possibilities? It all begins and ends with your self-concept – what you believe about yourself and then having a good level of self-esteem.
Good self-concept and self-esteem are centered in focusing on the positives in yourself.
Even though you know you make mistakes, you take something positive from the experience each time forward. You treat each experience as just that… a learning experience.
You view set-backs as creating set-ups for you to make comebacks in life. You acknowledge that obstacles, frustrations and barriers are nothing more than foothills for you to climb over on your way to success. Thomas Edison put it best when he was trying to invent the light bulb by saying, “I’ve not failed in trying to create the light bulb all those times, rather I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work!” Now that’s optimism!
In order to be truly optimistic you have to believe first in yourself as a person. Know that you are a good person no matter what even when things don’t turn out right or others deem you a failure. Furthermore, separate yourself from your performance.
Just because you do bad at something does not make you a “bad” person or a loser. Too many qualify themselves as “winners” or “losers” based on what they have done or attempted instead of who they really are… a person separate from the action.
People with optimism recognize that you separate the artist or performer from their work as the two are independent.
Optimism comes from “trying to do things” or attempting things which produces self-confidence in trying things again when things do not turn out the way you want them to. Optimism is a mindset which comes from using your mind’s eye. You see the outcome as coming to pass even before you try it. You expect the best or at least know that you tried your best.
Some people will say that they “Hope for the best, but expect the worst.” This is not optimism. True optimism is trying something because you hope to succeed and when you don’t succeed you learn that it’s okay to not be perfect, but not okay to never try because you are afraid of not being perfect!
Hypnosis can help you obtain optimism by changing your thinking patterns. If you want to discuss working directly with us on your particular issue to see if we can help and advise you on a next step, then check out our Hypnosis Services or you can contact us here.
Alternatively, if you prefer a self-hypnosis product then check out this session to start being more optimistic today.
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Peter Andrew Sacco Ph.D.
Staff Writer
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