Personal Growth

Erika Slater headshot photo 300x300Personal Growth is all about not standing still but growing and being all you can be. But it’s easy to get “lost” in our fast-paced world and the stress of just making it through each day, and the demands of others.

Self-improvement starts with a desire and belief you deserve everything in life you can get. It then requires commitment and focus to stay the course to achieve your goals. Yes, you are worth it! The journey is lifelong, but it should be rewarding and fun.

Personal growth means dedication to your goals and willingness to persevere through barriers and hardships, and the selection of materials you’ll find here cover insights into mental toughness and resilience, confidence and self-esteem, self-improvement, managing stress, accepting the power of your mind and much more.

Enjoy the articles.

Ways to Handle and Diffuse Aggressive Behavior Safely

By Erika Slater
Aggressive Behavior Concept Image

Have you ever found yourself in an uncomfortable situation where another person’s emotions were getting out of control – potentially violent towards you? What likely started out as an innocent, or even a minor conflicting incident quickly turned into a volcano about to erupt. Even though you were able to keep your own emotions in check, the other person just seems to be sitting on a keg of dynamite, apparently about to explode at any moment. Just to be clear here I’m not talking about some salesperson that went to a training class where the guru told them you need to be aggressive in order to get the sale. I’m talking about a person who has it in for you personally at that point in time! What the heck can you do to prevent this from escalating into a major verbal, even potential physical attack on you? Read more…

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How to Improve Your Body Confidence and Image

By Erika Slater
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There are many ‘self-inventory’ quizzes in pop magazines that ask, “Do you truly love yourself?” What the heck does this question even mean? Obviously they’re not talking about a narcissistic trait but the question does raise boundaries about what is meant by loving oneself? Personally, I think the better question to ask in this vein is “Are you accepting of yourself?” This suggests levels of self-compassion towards oneself which is a more accurate indicator of how you feel about yourself. Here’s more…

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How to Program Your Mind to Get Everything You Want Out of Life

By Erika Slater
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Everyone’s brain possesses an area known as the reticular activating system. It’s the area you can program for modifying your ‘mind’ to your specifications. Let’s think for a moment what this could mean for you… You could increase your overall sense of well-being. You could improve your mood states when it comes to completing goals you’ve set for yourself. You could overcome difficulties falling asleep at night and getting a deep restful sleep. You could make habit changes such as to quitting smoking or losing weight easier. How interested would you be in helping yourself get what you want – good outcomes? If you are then read on…

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The Goal Behind the Goal and How to Put Them on Autopilot

By Erika Slater
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While I’m writing this towards the end of a year the topic of goals is as relevant anytime of the year. However for many, a new year signals for a vast number of people – resolutions. What’s a resolution? It’s for all intents and purposes a goal. What’s a goal? It’s the end result, aim or ultimate desire of an individual’s efforts and ambitions. Basically, it’s all about achieving something you deem as important to accomplish, and then set out to accomplish it. Everyone has goals of some sorts, some bigger, or more important than others. Depending on the goal and the individual, the goal has a specific meaning, sometimes with the main ‘goal’ of just being achieved for the purpose of achieving it! Read more…

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Here’s What to Do if You Agonize Over Making Big Decisions

By Peter Sacco
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Would you consider yourself a confident, logical and successful person when it comes to decision making? Does it take you forever to make a decision, always wavering back and forth, or even putting it off by procrastinating, hoping that things will just go away? Perhaps you have what it takes to make the big decisions, confident in your abilities, knowing that whatever you choose, that is the right decision for you and that you are sticking to it. That folks is the hallmark of very successful people, especially in the world of business. This is all based on confidence – knowing and believing that you did the right thing because it was the right thing to do with whatever was happening at that time. Decision making truly is a skill. The good news is you can get this skill – read more here…

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Mastering Impromptu Speaking – Overcoming the Fear Factor

By Peter Sacco
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They say one of the things that people fear more than dying and/or going to the dentist is public speaking. Let’s face it, most likely early on in elementary school, and definitely by high school, you had to get up and give an oral presentation about something. You probably worried about messing up, forgetting something and looking foolish in front of your classmates. These thoughts and feelings most likely never left your unconscious mind and whenever you are asked to make an impromptu speech or presentation, your unconscious mind unleashes those old emotions and memories locked away in the filing cabinet and brings them to your conscious mind saying, “Oh yes, do you remember that you hate public speaking?”. Cue in worrying and this is the beginning of you getting reacquainted with your fear of public speaking all over again. Here’s what to do…

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Overcoming the Anxiety of Telesales Cold Calling

By Peter Sacco
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Let’s face it, no one likes to feel or be rejected in life. When you are in a business or career where you solicit people for money because you hope to sell something, you can bet on there being a whole lot of rejection. Rejection has the markings of making someone lose confidence rather fast and run for the hills. When you keep getting repeated “no’s” and “Sorry, I am not interested…” it starts to become difficult to not take things so personal because after all it is you that is the one getting rejected. Is it any wonder that people who work in sales or telemarketing have one of the highest turnover rates? Being in sales is all about thinking, feeling and being confident! Those who are confident in sales know two things; first, that sales are based on probability in that the more people you speak with, the more likely you are to be rejected, and second, that “no’s” are just a formality in that you will eventually get a “yes”. Read more…

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Find Your Passion and Transform Your Life

By Peter Sacco
Chase Your Dreams Concept Image

When you were a kid, what did you want to do when you grew up? Perhaps you had a dream to be a doctor, an athlete, an actor, a law enforcement officer, botanist… astronaut? When you used to think about it I bet you were passionate and excited over the prospect of one day living out your dream! Then something happened to you on the way to achieving your dream. Perhaps it was someone who told you to “Grow up and live in reality!”, or someone discouraged you from pursuing your dream and you eventually started losing interest in it until finally you “went for something more realistic and practical”. Does this sound familiar? There is nothing wrong with being realistic or practical, but there is also nothing wrong with chasing down your dreams and living them out! Read more…

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How to Rewrite Your Life Story

By Peter Sacco
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Where are you at in your life right now? Perhaps the better question should be is; Are you living the life of your dreams? When asked this question, too many people assert that they are living a life filled with regrets and disappointment. Some say that the “best part of living” is behind them, or that they are “too old to start” something new, or something they have always dreamed about doing. How does someone know that they are too old to change things up and rewrite their life story? What if someone is sixty, does that make them too old? Read more here…

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Getting Free from Feeling Trapped

By Peter Sacco
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If you ask anyone what they believe to be their greatest satisfaction, most will respond by saying they are happiest when they feel most in control of things including their own lives. In fact, having control over one’s life feels awesome, unfortunately so many people feel like puppets on a string to life, believing that their outcomes are based on a universal or cosmic roll of the dice. Of course there are many situations in life that can happen that feel like they were brought on by chance or by accident, which sometimes doesn’t seem fair, however at the end of the day what is more important than what happens to you is your attitude and how you choose to respond moving forward. Read more…

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...