Habits and Addictions

Erika Slater headshot photo 300x300Bad habits and addictions can range from holding us back in achieving our goals to being life-threatening and impacting those we care about.

Habits and addictions, except in a few cases, are learned. This doesn’t reduce the challenge in overcoming them but emphasizes that the same mind and body that created them can be used to overcome them. You learned to have them so you can “unlearn” to have them.

It starts with recognizing there’s an issue – why you are here – and proceeds to be ready and open to making a change no matter what difficulties lay ahead.

The selection of materials you’ll find here cover challenges related to quitting smoking, losing weight, belief change, self-esteem, stress, phobias and many more.

Enjoy the articles.

How to Overcome Fear of Making Mistakes

By Peter Sacco
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When you were a child did you ever get ridiculed, chastised or even punished for doing something wrong or making a mistake? Were you asked to do it over and over again until you got it right? Did this process seem degrading, humiliating or even painful? Going forward, even into your adult life now do you worry about making mistakes because you believe there will be consequences that will be degrading, humiliating or even painful? No wonder some people never try new things or take any chances because they are conditioned to believe that mistakes bring with them hardships. If you feel this is you then read on to learn how to overcome this fear…

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How to Overcome Fear of Fainting

By Peter Sacco
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Have you ever worried about fainting or passing out to the point that you worry about going out in public or being around people? When it gets to the point that you can’t or do not want to be around people because of this condition then you possess what is called agoraphobia. People who possess this phobia have it so bad that they cannot even leave their homes because they worry about passing out, fainting or having an intense anxiety attack that will lead to tremendous embarrassment. When one’s fear of fainting or passing out reaches this level, then they possess the phobia known as asthenophobia which is a real-time phobia. What does it feel like to experience or feel this kind of fainting phobia? Most often times this phobia or sensation is linked to three different sets of perceived feelings. Read about these sets here…

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Fear of Conflict and Confrontation

By Peter Sacco
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Are you an individual who is afraid to speak their mind, worried what others might think or how they might respond? Do you worry that if you speak the truth, or tell someone how you are really thinking that you might “scare” them off or lose them as a friend? Are their times when you really wanted to speak up, but instead bite your tongue, only to stew or regret not saying something hours after, or even days later? If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions then you may possess a fear of confrontation – saying what is really on your mind. Read this for help.

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Overcoming Addiction to Porn

By Peter Sacco
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When you examine the fastest growing and most common addictions amongst men, is it any surprise that it is an addiction to pornography? Research and statistics now show that there are well over 100 million web pages devoted to pornography. Pornography has become more popular than NFL football, NASCAR and the UFC which are extremely important forms of viewing entertainment to men. Furthermore, what once used to be an activity limited to television viewing or adult only theaters, pornography has quickly become a medium that men can view anytime and anywhere. Herein lies the problem… pornography has become so easily accessible and also free. Read more…

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Five Things Smoker’s Do to Sabotage themselves When Quitting

By Erika Slater
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There are five things smokers can do to sabotage their efforts to become a non-smoker. These are not the only ones but they are the most common. As you read them don’t scoff and say I would never let these bring me down – because smoker’s like you trying to quit have been brought down by these. We are all capable of lapses of logic and concentration and as you’ll see it can lead to “throwing a wrench” into your stop smoking plans. Read about the five saboteurs here…

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Relationships – Escaping Emotional Abuse

By Peter Sacco
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Are you a victim of emotional abuse? Perhaps it happened in your childhood at the hands of a parent or primary caregiver. Maybe it happened throughout childhood and into your teen yours because you were a victim of bullying from other kids. What if it is a more recent phenomenon in your life and happened in your last relationship or several of your adult relationships? Do you feel that the scars are so deep that things feel hopeless? Do you feel sad, lonely and worthless? If you can relate to any or all of the above, then this article is definitely for you. Things don’t have to be the way they are now or how they’ve been before. Right here and right now you have the ability to change things for the better. Remember that life was meant to be enjoyed and not endured. Have you endured it enough? Ready for an emotional makeover?

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How to Develop a Debt-Free Mindset

By Peter Sacco
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Do you believe in the law of intention? Have you heard about it? Basically, it asserts that what we think about most we draw into our lives or become. Often times, what we attract to ourselves we do so by proxy or automatic overdrive, in that we don’t put a lot of thought into it. So, what kind of financial mindset do you operate from? Do you worry that you never have enough and will always be living from paycheck to paycheck? Perhaps you are operating on the premise of abundance – there is enough to go around and I will attract whatever I need into my life. If you are operating in the domain of the latter mindset, then you have developed a debt-free mindset.

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How to Break through Barriers Holding You Back

By Peter Sacco
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What is a barrier? According to any definition, a barrier is some kind of structure which blocks or impedes the progress of something or someone. If you want to take this working definition one step further, the “structure” need not be physical in nature, but can be mental, emotional or psychological as well. Did you know that most structures that people put between themselves and their successes or what they most want out of life are mental/psychological? I will bet you when you hear this next notion you will be even more surprised – the greatest barriers people face is a two word barrier starting with the word “I” and ending in the word “can’t” Do you have “I can’t” barriers keeping you from your goals? Here’s what to do.

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Drawing Clear Boundaries On Requests For Your Time

By Erika Slater
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Do you ever feel like there are never enough hours in the day to get done what you have to get done? Upon further review, when you look at what you are getting done does most of it focus on the needs and whims of others, and what they want from you? What about you? Are you truly getting what you want and are you spending enough on you? There is nothing selfish about wanting time for yourself and getting what you want. Read more here…

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Why You Should Stop Worrying What Others Think About You

By Erika Slater
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Are you a person who constantly worries about what other people think about you? Are you one of those folks who feels the need to place a false persona on themselves in order to feel and be accepted by others even though you dislike pretending to be something you aren’t? If so, it’s time to stop acting the way you think others want you to be and start being your own person. Sometimes this is easier said than done because you’ve been role-playing to fit in and perhaps lost sight of who you really are! Here’s some hard-hitting advice for you.

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...