Habits and Addictions

Erika Slater headshot photo 300x300Bad habits and addictions can range from holding us back in achieving our goals to being life-threatening and impacting those we care about.

Habits and addictions, except in a few cases, are learned. This doesn’t reduce the challenge in overcoming them but emphasizes that the same mind and body that created them can be used to overcome them. You learned to have them so you can “unlearn” to have them.

It starts with recognizing there’s an issue – why you are here – and proceeds to be ready and open to making a change no matter what difficulties lay ahead.

The selection of materials you’ll find here cover challenges related to quitting smoking, losing weight, belief change, self-esteem, stress, phobias and many more.

Enjoy the articles.

Overcoming the Fear of Money – Breaking Deep-Rooted Barriers

By Erika Slater
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What are your personal thoughts on money? Were you ever told when you were a kid, or even reminded today that “Money is the root of all evil?” Perhaps you were told when you were younger that “Money does not grow on trees!” which led to a mindset that money is really difficult to acquire. If that isn’t enough, some people have been led to believe those who have the most money are born with a “silver spoon” in their back pocket, therefore having lots of money is an entitlement right. Still more folks have bought into the notion if people are rich, then they must have acquired their wealth perhaps through illegal activities or immoral or unethical ways. News media tends to focus on the bad things people do with, or to get, money, rather than the good things – news about good things people do doesn’t seem to get viewers! But it does tend to promote the idea there is more bad things going on with money than good. Of course, this isn’t true. Read more…

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Overcoming Mindsets Leading to Fear of Change or Metathesiophobia

By Erika Slater
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Fear of change can manifest itself throughout our life. There is even a term for it – Metathesiophobia. To a certain extent, we are all anxious about change. Going to college and saying goodbye to neighbors and friends we made at high school, getting married, changing jobs, moving to a new house or area. We can’t get through life without change but that doesn’t make it any easier. It can just make us more anxious. We can learn then to fear change depending on our past experiences by avoiding change to the point where it can be detrimental to the fundamental needs of being human. But we can learn to overcome. this fear. Find out here…

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Overcoming Energy Drink Addiction – The Caffeine & Sugar Trap

By Erika Slater
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Back in the day, an energy drink was considered a ‘black as night coffee’ with more than enough sugar for the extra spike. You got your caffeine and your sugar combined in what most thought of as the perfect ‘stay a-wake energy drink!’ Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like coffee has disappeared or fallen off the earth, but today people who love the quick hit of energy prefer the more commercial energy drinks. However, just like coffee, some people are getting addicted to them. The millennial generation seems to be one specific ‘population’ who relies heavily on the energy drinks and is making them a staple part of their daily diets. There are many different ‘energy drinks’ on the market now, with varying ‘hours’ they guarantee to pick you up, or keep you awake. This is all harmless stuff, right? After all its just caffeine and sugar? Unfortunately, the combination is far from harmless as you’ll begin to see. Read more…

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How to Stop Cheek Biting or Morsicatio Buccarum

By Erika Slater
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Are you an individual who gnaws on their cheek(s) intentionally? Most likely this habit started out of anxiety, or due to an accidental bite, that most likely you saw stars from the pain. As the wound was healing in your mouth and forming a scab, you probably got into the habit of checking it with your tongue and teeth. Soon, you likely started ‘teething’ on it not only as a reminder it was there, but also as a pacifier. This is how ‘cheek biting’ usually starts and persists in someone’s life as a habit. Let’s look at other ways issues in your mouth can start and ways to overcome them… Read more here…

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Stop Overthinking So Much – How to Get Rid Of the “Why’s”

By Erika Slater

Are you an individual who tends to ‘overthink’ things a little too much? Do you find you lock onto certain thoughts or things from the past and can’t seem to let them go – your thoughts are like a piece of steak in the mouth of a junkyard dog… and it’s not about to be let go of it no matter how hard you tug? Guess what? You may have what some experts refer to as ‘paralysis by analysis!’ This may sound ridiculous but it’s not for the individual who goes through this, especially in the evening when they’re trying to sleep, and this keeps them up all night tossing and turning – trying to figure things out, or looking for perfect answers. One thing we do know for sure is people who overthink usually are ‘obsessed’ with one word that starts their sentences, which causes them to overthink. Read more here…

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The Power of Words to Change your outcomes

By Erika Slater
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In my role as a hypnotist words continue to play an important aspect in my life as they help other people overcome challenges or be a better self. The sentences I form using carefully chosen words now help to heal or aid change in others. So words are now important to me in the work I do. There is only one thing more powerful than the spoken word heard by others… and those are the words you speak to yourself. What words do you use to describe or talk about yourself? What words are you using to create your realities? Remember, thoughts eventually become things, spoken words are thoughts. Are you creating your life wisely?

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The Truth About Limiting Beliefs and How to Overcome Them

By Erika Slater
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Are you an individual who feels stuck in life, never moving forward, or regretting ‘things’ don’t seem to be turning out the way you wish or expected they would? Do you know what the one constant in your life is in your continual experiences, situations, potential changes and dealing with others? YOU! No matter where you go in life, you take YOU with you. No matter when or where you are in your life, you carry around your personal beliefs, whether they are positive and productive, or negative and limiting.
Where your thoughts go, that’s where your energy will flow. Guess what? If you limit yourself in your thinking and beliefs, your energy flow is going to hit a dead end. Read more…

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Our Mental Blueprints – DNA for the Soul

By Erika Slater
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All of the physical and even some non-physical traits such as temperament and mental health, were formed in you before you were even born. What’s really interesting about DNA is that no two people have the same DNA. That’s correct, you’re an original, wonderfully made like no other of the 7 billion people living on the face of this earth, and they’ll never be another person like you. This is your genetic blueprint. Individuals also possess mental/cognitive blueprints as well based on how they think, feel and act which eventually lead to their behaviors. Cognitive is a fancy word used to encompass all that goes into how we individually think, understand, reason, learn and remember knowledge and information. The fact is two people will process the same information differently and arrive at different conclusions influenced by their mental blueprints. Ready to dive in and discover more…

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Pattern Interrupt – Breaking the Habit

By Erika Slater
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Are you a creature of habit, hooked on always doing the same thing over and over, or repeating the same habits even though you know they are detrimental? Have you ever been told by someone close to you; a family member, spouse, friend, co-worker, a counselor, that if you continue to do things the way you’re currently doing them you’re headed toward more mediocrity, perhaps even disaster? Albert Einstein said it best when he came up with his famous definition of insanity–doing things the same way over and over, and hoping for, or expecting different results. If you have been engaging in this form of thought process, or acting out the same way, you’d think by now you’d see different results. Have you? I’m guessing you haven’t. Thinking is a habit. In fact it can be either a good habit or a bad habit depending on the outcome. Your feelings and behaviors are also habitual when you think the same way, even if that certain way of thinking is destructive. Read more here…

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Overcoming Being a Picky Eater

By Peter Sacco
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Are you an individual who is worse than a calorie counter in that they are so picky about what they eat that it actually makes others around you uncomfortable, possibly even yourself? Some people are known to go into nice restaurants featuring abundant menus which could feed a third world country, but they can never decide what to order. In fact, some won’t order anything at all, as nothing on the entire menu appeals to them. The question most others ask at this point is, “What do these folks actually eat?” Read more here…

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...