Habits and Addictions

Erika Slater headshot photo 300x300Bad habits and addictions can range from holding us back in achieving our goals to being life-threatening and impacting those we care about.

Habits and addictions, except in a few cases, are learned. This doesn’t reduce the challenge in overcoming them but emphasizes that the same mind and body that created them can be used to overcome them. You learned to have them so you can “unlearn” to have them.

It starts with recognizing there’s an issue – why you are here – and proceeds to be ready and open to making a change no matter what difficulties lay ahead.

The selection of materials you’ll find here cover challenges related to quitting smoking, losing weight, belief change, self-esteem, stress, phobias and many more.

Enjoy the articles.

Overcome Challenging Thoughts by Using Your Delete Key!

By Erika Slater
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Do you have troubles with faulty or irrational thinking? Do you find that you stumble into the same patterns of destruction and mayhem when it comes to thinking? Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to your thoughts and their ability to crush your self-esteem? If you are looking for a way out of negative thinking and landing in a domain of positive thinking, then you’ll want to read on…

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A Dire Warning about Comparing Yourself to Others

By Erika Slater
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Do you ever find yourself looking at others in either a physical or emotional sense comparing yourself to them? Do you look at what you’ve accomplished and what you own and measure your success by peering into the world of others and seeing what they have and have accomplished? When you do this, do you get down on yourself believing you are “less than others” and feel so discouraged that it makes you feel depressed? If so, you are not running your own race in life, rather you’re skipping to the beat of others; only “they” don’t even know they have created this rhythm for your life! Why do people feel the need to compare themselves to others? Here we take a look at this common barrier to improvement and how to manage it.

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All About Worrying and How to Get Off the Worry Train

By Peter Sacco
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Are you a worry wart – you worry about everything under the sun, moon and stars? Do you wake up in the morning with worry being the first thing on your mind, worrying about the day before you have even set one foot on the ground? And does this worry stick with you throughout the course of the day, draining you and making you so tired? Are you then so tired that you want to sleep but can’t because the night time version of your worrying mind now kicks in? If so, welcome to the world of worry and you can officially consider yourself a worry wart! Here’s more and what to do.

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Reasons Why we Practice Self-Sabotage and How to Stop

By Peter Sacco
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Why do so many want to do the right thing, set their minds on doing the right thing, promise to do the right thing, only to fall back into repeated cycles of the “same ole”–negative outcomes? The number one reason is self-sabotage. Many people possess a talent for being their own worst enemy and shooting themselves in the proverbial foot. Why? The answer is intention combined with rehearsed mental scripts.

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Let Go of Ego and You Let Go of Stress!

By Peter Sacco
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Have you ever felt like no matter what you are doing or trying, life seems to always be going against a stiff current? It is almost as if the harder you paddle the rougher the rapids get. Why does it always seem that way? Furthermore, why does this have to stress you out? Simple… one word: EGO!

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Self-Control – Setting Limits and Living Life in Moderation

By Peter Sacco
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One of the toughest things I often hear people tell me is that they have a very difficult time living life in moderation. Apparently, many of them just do not know when to say when! In my article on Portion Control and Learning a Four Letter Word, I discussed how some people have a hard time putting down their weapon of choice (fork) at the dinner table once they start to chow down. When it comes to buffets, all bets are off so to speak… eat as much as you can and make sure you get your money’s worth! What is the fine line between satisfaction versus satiation when it comes to eating? Good question!

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...