Montage image showing iphone and library and photo of Erika Slater


A Libary of Information and Resources for Changing Habits and Beliefs

In addition to hundreds of posts collected here I’ve written informational articles about hypnosis, NLP, habits, beliefs, mindset, and related topics, where you can discover more about hypnosis and how it can help you and your loved ones. This library of hypnotherapy resources can be accessed by clicking the access resources link below, or you can continue to read to access our blog posts.

Your subconscious mind is a powerful resource you have at your disposal but most people don’t know how to reach and influence it to help get changes in their life they want. It’s possible to learn self-hypnosis to tap into this powerful resource and while this can involve practice and commitment the rewards are lifelong.

How to Manage Insulin Resistance: What You Need to Know

You may hear the term Insulin resistance (IR) before but are not sure you fully understand why it happens and what you can do about it. It is a medical diagnosis that can have far-reaching consequences. One of the first questions people with IR have when diagnosed is how to fix and manage their insulin ...
Business person under stress from colleagues

Why is it So Darn Hard to Cope with Stress? Ways to Reduce It

How can you cope with stress? Stress is part of living and while we can't eliminate it we can reduce it - here I discuss how you can reduce your stress. In today’s world it ...
Solitary candle burning

The Importance of Resilience in Overcoming Life Challenges: Ways to Make it Stronger in You

“The capacity of an individual to avoid negative social, psychological, and biological consequence of extreme stress.” (Russo et al, 2012) The above definition of resilience is from a neuroscience paper from 2012. An interpretation for ...
Police call box dr who tardis with words stop time travelling

Stop Time Travelling – Get off the Tardis Machine Now!

No, I’m not asking you to stop watching Dr. Who hurtle through time with his Police Call Box model circa 1960s, also known as the “Tardis”. Or skip seeing the next Star Wars or Star ...
Affirmation wordcloud

Do Affirmations Really Work? – The Good & Bad of Affirmations

There’s a lot of information and literature on affirmations and whether or not they truly work. One of the most profound and famous affirmations can be found in the Holy Bible in Proverbs 23:7; “For ...
Woman remaining calm in meditation pose with angry man

How to Stay Calm with a Person Who Triggers Anger in You

Is there someone in your life you live with, or you know, that just seems to bring out the worst in you? Your day seems to be going perfectly, you’re feeling happy and positive, carefree, ...
Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...