Peter Andrew Sacco Ph.D.

In addition to being an author of many books and more than 800 magazine articles, Sacco is an award-winning lecturer at universities in both the USA and Canada, specializing in relationships, criminal psychology, addictions, and mental health. He is also a frequent resident expert on several television programs and appears regularly as a guest expert on many news talk radio shows in the USA (FOX, ABC, CBS, Iheart, Coast To Coast, etc.), as well as hosting the weekly radio show “Matters of the Mind: Managing Relationships and Mental Health.” He is also an award-winning executive producer and host of documentaries on relationships, psychological issues and child issues.

Self-Mastery and Impulse Control

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Some individuals have what are called impulse control disorders whereby they act impulsively, sometimes planned or most times unplanned. Impulse control disorders are real mental health problems which psychology has diagnosed for years. Whenever an individual possesses a specific type of impulse control disorder, they usually feel a distressing tension or become highly aroused, then they feel the need to act out on it to feel some sort of relief from committing the act, or deriving some sense of pleasure or gratification from having followed through. Often times thereafter, the individual is most likely to experience a sense of shame, guilt, regret or even remorse for committing the act, especially if it has hurt or offended another person. Read more…

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How to Use Hypnosis for Martial Arts

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When people hear about martial arts (karate, judo, Tai Chi, etc.) linked to the mind, they often times begin thinking about “intense concentration” and mental discipline. Well, they are right because this “art” definitely does require one to have tremendous focus and mental discipline if they are truly serious about mastering their martial art. In the most famous karate movie, “The Karate Kid”, the sensei teacher “Mr. Miyagi” keeps reminding his pupil “Danielson” to focus as, “Karate is all in here!” as he points to his head. What he is really saying is you can’t have one without the other meaning, a perfect mind/body relationship to master the art. Read more here…

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How to Improve your Chess Playing

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Do you play chess, or have you ever wanted to learn to play it? Are you trying to improve your current level of play? Well, then perhaps if you improve your ability to concentrate and “see things” ahead of time, you will also see your game improve. They say that chess is the ultimate thinking person’s game. Well, in order to be the ultimate thinking person, you first have to first improve on your level of concentration as well as being able to predict and see the “moves” of the game unfold before they even happen. Even though chess may appear to be a slow moving game based on patience, it is a fast moving thought processing game! Read more here…

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How to Overcome Fear of Making Mistakes

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When you were a child did you ever get ridiculed, chastised or even punished for doing something wrong or making a mistake? Were you asked to do it over and over again until you got it right? Did this process seem degrading, humiliating or even painful? Going forward, even into your adult life now do you worry about making mistakes because you believe there will be consequences that will be degrading, humiliating or even painful? No wonder some people never try new things or take any chances because they are conditioned to believe that mistakes bring with them hardships. If you feel this is you then read on to learn how to overcome this fear…

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How to Overcome Fear of Fainting

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Have you ever worried about fainting or passing out to the point that you worry about going out in public or being around people? When it gets to the point that you can’t or do not want to be around people because of this condition then you possess what is called agoraphobia. People who possess this phobia have it so bad that they cannot even leave their homes because they worry about passing out, fainting or having an intense anxiety attack that will lead to tremendous embarrassment. When one’s fear of fainting or passing out reaches this level, then they possess the phobia known as asthenophobia which is a real-time phobia. What does it feel like to experience or feel this kind of fainting phobia? Most often times this phobia or sensation is linked to three different sets of perceived feelings. Read about these sets here…

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Fear of Conflict and Confrontation

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Are you an individual who is afraid to speak their mind, worried what others might think or how they might respond? Do you worry that if you speak the truth, or tell someone how you are really thinking that you might “scare” them off or lose them as a friend? Are their times when you really wanted to speak up, but instead bite your tongue, only to stew or regret not saying something hours after, or even days later? If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions then you may possess a fear of confrontation – saying what is really on your mind. Read this for help.

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Overcoming Fear of the Dark

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Do you remember when you were a kid how you would dread going to bed because it meant being all alone in your little bed in the darkness? Of course you absolutely had to have the closet door shut as you worried you might look in that direction and perhaps see red eyes staring back at you. Maybe you had to check underneath your bed or behind your bedroom door to make sure the “boogieman” wasn’t hiding there, waiting to gobble you up! At least you are an adult now and there is no need to worry anymore about sleeping with the lights on, or at least with a tiny little night light, or is there? Read how to overcome it here…

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How to Keep Emotions Off Your Face

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Are you a person who is very easy to read by their facial expressions? Are there times when you try your best not to express emotions, especially at work or in a social setting because you worry that others are going to see right through you? Perhaps you have a hard time shutting it down around loved ones and friends – you do not want to show emotion and be so transparent that they can manipulate your triggers. The famous term “poker face” is used for people who are able to keep a straight face and not show emotion, in the in face of pressure or adversity. Through practice and hypnosis, you can achieve this too. Read more…

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Overcoming Noise Sensitivity

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Do you find that loud noises, especially the sudden ones bother you? Do you become easily unraveled, even jittery after hearing loud sounds that you are stressed out for a long period of time thereafter? Are there certain sounds that you just can’t seem to block out no matter what you do that get so deep under your skin that they lead you to feeling irate? Perhaps you possess Misophonia, which is a sensitivity to loud or repetitive noises. Is it normal? If so, what can you do about it to change it? Read more…

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All About Facial Tics and Remedies

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More information is available today than ever before on Tourette Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) which often are at the root of facial tics. Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that demonstrates strong symptoms which include ticking and sudden movements. The most common early symptoms seen in Tourette Syndrome are tics that include facial tics, rapid eye blinking and squinting, as well as twitches that involve the mouth. The onset of this disorder usually occurs in older children and teens, before the age of 18 years of age. In order for the tics to be directly correlated too, or related to Tourette Syndrome, the tics must be persistent for at least one year in the individual. Moreover, the tics become so mild to very intense, and can come in bouts throughout the course of a day, or sporadically. In some instances, the ticking may stop for several days, or even weeks only to return.

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In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...