
Erika Slater headshot photo 300x300The articles included here represent the most popular content on my site but also change periodically as trends around hypnosis change over time.

The selection of materials you’ll find here cover challenges related to quitting smoking, losing weight, belief change, self-esteem, stress, phobias and many more.

Enjoy the articles.

Why is it So Darn Hard to Overcome Sugar Addiction?

By Erika Slater
Girl grabbing sugar candy from jar at office

Many people are addicted to sugar – the white, refined, crystallized sugar often times found in junk foods, or added to coffee and soda, or to carb-loaded foods such as pasta and breads known as complex carbohydrates. If that isn’t enough, people are also addicted to products containing corn syrup, which have high amounts of sugar. When you speak to people about sugar most know, and admit, it’s one of the unhealthiest substances they could consume, but they still use and over-indulge in it. Many just can’t seem to break free from their addiction to it! There are a few reasons why sugar can be highly addictive for some individuals. Let’s look at how folks end up addicted to sugar and the impact it has on your body…

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Why is it So Darn Hard to Cope with Stress? Ways to Reduce It

By Erika Slater
Business person under stress from colleagues

In today’s world it seems stress is at an all-time high! We live in an extremely fast-paced technologically-advanced time period when most people are living their lives expecting things to happen at the drop of a hat, or this is how others expect them to live. Stress comes from all sides as we live an “overloaded life”: our family commitments, our job commitments, and even our friend commitments. Our plate or cup “runneth over.” So many people live their lives based on ‘quantity’, trying to achieve the most they can, while putting in the least amount of effort, instead of getting the truest ‘quality’ from living their lives. This way of living will stress you out! Time for a change? Read this…

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The Benefits and Criticisms of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

By Peter Sacco
Pros and cons on a scale with pros winning

Cognitive behavioral therapy can be seen as an amazing therapeutic tool for helping individuals who suffer from mental health disorders and addictions. As a result of its simple, easy and hands on nature (changing thoughts in the here and now), individuals and therapists alike boast of its tremendous benefits. In this article, I will examine both the benefits and criticisms of using cognitive behavioral therapy. The therapy itself can be used in individual sessions as well as support groups. Some people do better when they attend support groups that are CBT based as they meet with others with similar disorders and concerns who validate them. One of the greatest advantages of CBT is that it is skill-focused, structured and practical. This means that clients get specific education and practical coping skills on how to cope with their long-term problems – anxiety, depression, irrational thinking, addictions, etc. Read more…

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Why is it So Darn Hard to Lose Weight? And Keep It Off!

By Erika Slater
girl looking forlorn at her diet meal

By the fact you’re reading this article I know you want to do something about losing weight. Most likely you’ve tried before (dare I say many?) and are at the same point again wondering how to make it stick this time? People go to extremes and try various expensive weight loss programs, exercise programs, and even diet pills and ‘miracle’ supplements to try and lose weight. Many also try various diet fads, low carb diets one moment, and then low fat diets the next, only to find themselves taking backward steps while muttering, “Why is it so darn hard to lose weight?” So, why is it so darn hard to lose weight?

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Why is it So Darn Hard to Quit Smoking and Ways to Make it Easier

By Erika Slater
cigarette with words over it "why is it so hard to quit smoking"

Are you a smoker? More to the point, were you once a smoker and quit, but now find yourself being a smoker all over again and wanting to quit again? Do you find no matter what you try or do, you seem to always revert back to smoking? Why is it so darn hard to quit smoking? On the other hand, you may be reading this but not a smoker but have a spouse, family member or a friend that smokes and you’re doing research for them, or want to understand just why they can’t seem to quit, or have trouble staying a non-smoker when they do. Regardless of your circumstances I’ve got some answers for you today on “why it is so darn hard to stop smoking.” Discover them here…

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How to Cope with Uncomfortable Situations for Personal Growth

By Erika Slater
Unexpected surprise face on woman

Who said life was going to be all glamor, a walk in the park…a cake walk? What happens when adversity strikes? How do you deal with adversity or those situations that make you feel uncomfortable? Do you believe that you have the tools for dealing with these types of situations properly? If you think you would like to learn how to deal with adverse situations more effectively and positively, then this article is for you. Let’s face it, everyone is going to have experiences and deal with situations that make them feel less than comfortable. These discomforting experiences can come in one of three forms; people, places or things. Here’s more…

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Feeling Comfortable and Confident in Any Group

By Peter Sacco
Social Group of Women

Many people suffer from agoraphobia which is a fear of crowds and public places. They fear being amongst people because they feel unsure of themselves, are afraid they might say or do something stupid, or feel they will not fit in. The same often happens for some who do not want to be in or around groups of people. Even though “groups” are much smaller than “crowds”, the reasons they feel uncomfortable around groups is for the same reasons… feeling like they won’t fit in! By our very nature, people are supposed to be social creatures. You think that fitting in and interacting amongst groups of people would be second hand for all, if not most people. But it’s not. Read on…

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Overcoming Ablutophobia – the Fear of Washing and Bathing

By Erika Slater
Ablutophobia Girl Concept Image

Do you possess the phobia known as Ablutophobia? Have you even heard of it, let alone have difficulty pronouncing it? Well, this is a real phobia and not some random word selected for a spelling bee or a “Wheel of Fortune” contestant. It’s also not a phobia of the famed Popeye cartoon character Bluto! Now I’m really dating myself! If you’ve never heard of it before it may come somewhat of a surprise, as it’s a fear of one of the most basic elements of humanity – a fear of hygiene! Like many phobias, it can be difficult to pinpoint when and how it started but it’s a fear that was learned, and so you should take comfort in knowing there’s a great chance it can be overcome with the right therapy and help. Read more…

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Simple Ways to Overcome the Fear of Growing Old Alone

By Erika Slater
senior woman contemplating growing old

As the population of “X” and “Y” generations start to get older, more and more people today are single, perhaps more than ever before. Divorce rates have never been higher than over the last ten to fifteen years, and more individuals are choosing to remain single after divorce, or not even getting married in the first place. This has many thinking and fearing growing old alone. This mindset is literally a major concern for people who worry they’ll be alone for the rest of their life, with no one to turn to when they’re much older and when they’ll need support and help the most. If you’re still young enough and in the work force or have a career, this may cushion the blow for now. But what happens when you retire and get older? Read more…

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Treatments for Noise and Sound Sensitivity Including Misophonia and Hyperacusis

By Erika Slater
noise and Sound Sensitivity Concept Image

We’re told we enter the world with two fears – fear of falling and fear of loud noises. Every other fear it’s said is… learned. However, for many folks they never lose the fear of loud noises. But it’s not the only sensitivity to sound that impacts people throughout their lives. I suffer from tinnitus and while its not as extreme as some sufferers nonetheless its always present and I can sympathize with anybody who endures over the many forms of noise and sound sensitivity. This article will explore different classifications of sensitivity and treatments available. I consider myself a practical person and while the medical research fascinates me, many times clinical description leads to a lack of understanding and clarification about what to do next for a lay person. Read to learn more…

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...