Peter Andrew Sacco Ph.D.

In addition to being an author of many books and more than 800 magazine articles, Sacco is an award-winning lecturer at universities in both the USA and Canada, specializing in relationships, criminal psychology, addictions, and mental health. He is also a frequent resident expert on several television programs and appears regularly as a guest expert on many news talk radio shows in the USA (FOX, ABC, CBS, Iheart, Coast To Coast, etc.), as well as hosting the weekly radio show “Matters of the Mind: Managing Relationships and Mental Health.” He is also an award-winning executive producer and host of documentaries on relationships, psychological issues and child issues.

Overcoming Addiction to Porn

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When you examine the fastest growing and most common addictions amongst men, is it any surprise that it is an addiction to pornography? Research and statistics now show that there are well over 100 million web pages devoted to pornography. Pornography has become more popular than NFL football, NASCAR and the UFC which are extremely important forms of viewing entertainment to men. Furthermore, what once used to be an activity limited to television viewing or adult only theaters, pornography has quickly become a medium that men can view anytime and anywhere. Herein lies the problem… pornography has become so easily accessible and also free. Read more…

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Using Self-Hypnosis to Get What You Want

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Those who get what they want, or get the most of what they set out for or wish to accomplish are known to set intentions. Intentions are knowing exactly what you want and then believing you can get what you want by focusing your attention on it. You live from a point of passion – believing that you can achieve or get what you want. In essence, it really is mind over matter in that what you want most matters to your mind and your mind finds a way to get it! Most of what we get or accomplish comes about because we talk to ourselves about it in our minds. Discover more here…

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Overcoming Panic Attacks When Taking Tests

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Panic attacks are a serious matter and can be very debilitating for some people. It is a known fact that almost one in five people suffer from anxiety or some form of it at any given time. Panic attacks are a type of anxiety. Anxiety is often a result of some traumatic experience one has experienced, or it is a perceived stressor from watching or witnessing a traumatic event. Once a person experiences anxiety a couple of times they are more prone to experience it over and over. Furthermore, once someone experiences a panic attack, they are more likely to get worse, to the point of withdrawing from many activities they enjoy. When you have panic attacks that go hand in hand with test taking in school, then real problems can begin! What is a panic attack? Read on to find out…

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Using Self-Talk to Make Positive Changes

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Everyone carries around with them an inner voice… your voice. This is your self-talk. You are always talking to yourself. When you are awake, your self-talk is often of a conscious nature, but there is also unconscious self-talk which at times takes over, or reminds your conscious mind of something that happened in the past which now makes you dwell on it in the present moment. When you sleep, your mind shifts from an active state (conscious) to a passive state (unconscious) and your ‘self-talk’ then becomes one of being in a state of overdrive – your unconscious mind does all the talking for you in the form of dreams. Read more to learn how to make your self-talk positive.

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Uses of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

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Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often referred to as a form of “instant therapy” in some mental health and addiction circles. The reason that some view it as instant is because of the immediate effect is has to change the mindset of individual. In fact, CBT is commonly used in brief intervention and crisis intervention (working with someone who is in mental crisis or suicidal) because it has the ability to have an immediate influence on one’s present cognition. Cognition means thinking or thought processes. When someone’s thought process or cognitions are negative or irrational then they are said to have a faulty thought process. This faulty thought process leads the individual to think negatively, make bad choices, and produce feelings of fear, anxiety, pessimism and even depression. Read more here…

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 101

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Cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT is one of the most popular therapy treatments for mental health disorders as well as habits and addictions. It is not a new therapy as it has been around a long time depending if you attribute its origin to Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy in the 1950’s, or Aaron T. Beck’s Cognitive therapy in the 1960’s. No matter who you want to give major credit to for creating this effective mental health therapy, the operative word is “effective” – it works efficiently and shows excellent results! Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective because it does three important things for clients or patients using it. Learn about them here…

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How Can Hypnosis Work if I Can Hear and Remember Everything?

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As a hypnotherapist and psychological practitioner, one of the most interesting things I have ever heard from clients or people that I have hypnotized is, “It must not have worked because I could hear everything, and I can remember everything that you said!” Really? So let me see if I get this straight then…”How else will hypnosis work since your eyes are closed and I am doing the talking and you the ‘listening’ if you can’t hear me?” And then if you remember everything I was saying, that definitely must be a bad thing because it means what? Hmm… let’s discover more about this thinking…

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Looking Forward with No Regrets

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One of the hardest things in life is letting go of the past. Let’s face it, the past is a very safe place because it has already happened. Guess what? You even know how it is going to turn out. What is mind boggling is how much people hold onto from the past that was demoralizing, destructive and even damaging to them. When they do this, they literally add meaning to the saying that “Misery loves company!” and sometimes for as long as that company (the misery caused by regrets) is allowed to stay. If you are someone who deals with regrets from your past, then is article is for you.

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Stop and Smell the Roses by Living in the Moment

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I am sure you have heard the expression, “Just stop and smell the roses!” If you haven’t heard that one, then perhaps, “Stop and smell the coffee”? If you smell the coffee then it might help you to learn to smell the roses for a moment. Exactly what does smelling the roses mean? It means not only learning to appreciate the moment you are living in, but actually living in that moment! When you stop to smell the roses or the coffee for that matter, you are turning your senses into a state of high alert. This means that you are “sensing” when you are actively living rather than going with the flow. Read more…

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How to Participate in Conversations Easily

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Talking with other people is second nature for most, first nature for some! Some people are masters at talking while others are dominators of conversation–they don’t let others get a word in edge-wise. Then there are those who have a hard time clearing their throats and adding something to the conversation. They would rather be seen and not heard. Why is it that some people find it so difficult to participate in conversations easily? If you are one of those who have a difficult time speaking, then perhaps reading this will help you.

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In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...