Health and Wellness

Erika Slater Head and upper torso image2Health and Wellness is all about what we do on a regular basis to maintain our physical and mental condition – essentially, how we take care of ourselves.

We know now that it’s not just about paying attention to our physical health by eating healthy and nourishing foods to fuel and heal our physical body, but also how we treat ourselves mentally and spiritually. Quality sleep, daily quiet time practicing mediation/mindfulness, and being compassionate and kind to ourselves is as important as doing the same to others.

The quality of life starts with having a sound body and mind and the selection of materials you’ll find here cover insights into natural therapies, our mind-body connections, nutrition and weight management, stress, slowing the aging process and much more.

Enjoy the articles.

“Now I’ve Lost Weight, How Do I Keep the Weight Off?”

By Peter Sacco
weight loss help concept image

It seems that losing weight for many people seems to be an increasing global trend. Let’s be honest, North Americans are considered to be one of the most obese societies in the world. Is it any surprise that many are asked by their physicians to lose weight, or they themselves believe that it is time for a physical makeover? Well, many will engage in dietary and fitness programs which will help them lose weight. Some will be successful and some will not, as they will revert back to their old habits, or lack the ambition to carry through on their intentions. For those who have lost the weight, what is next to make sure this doesn’t happen to you? Read more…

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The Benefits of Laughing More as an Antidote to Stress and Feeling Better About Your Life

By Erika Slater
Brother and Sister Laughing on ground

Why is it as children, we couldn’t get enough laughter? It seemed we were so quick to laugh at the drop of a hat. Everything seemed to possess some element of humor, we used it for the chance to laugh out loud, and laugh without ceasing. We laughed at the antics of others and watching TV or just playing outside. We saw the “funny side” of everything. Even of our friends… and they didn’t mind but joined in with us! Unfortunately, somewhere down the line, perhaps in our early adult lives, we dismissed laughter as being superfluous and not worthy of our time. There are many theories around this from modelling other adults, to life is serious now and having “fun” and laughing is akin to wasting time. But this just isn’t true. Laughter is a wonderful medicine to things that ail us and its time to start getting back that fun of laughter we had in our childhood. Here’s how…

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How to Lose Weight Without Counting a Single Calorie

By Erika Slater
Calorie Counting Examples

Are you an individual who’s desperately trying to lose weight or reduce the adipose fatty tissue on your body and you’ve resorted to ‘calorie counting’? If you are, how’s it working for you so far? The truth is you may be barking up the wrong tree, or wrong supermarket isle! While a popular chorus at one time with weight loss and nutrition gurus– “lose weight by burning more calories than you take in” – the fact is losing weight is more complicated than that. How more difficult? Read on here to find out and what to do…

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Increasing or Starting Your Meditation Motivation

By Erika Slater
Woman meditating at work

This article touches on three related topics – meditation, mindfulness and hypnosis. Meditation in particular has got to a point with a lot of folks where they’ve gotten so distracted they “forget” to be mindful or practice meditation, or become inconsistent about it. The focus of this article is how to help you increase or start your motivation for meditation as there’s nothing changed about its effectiveness or benefits for you. You just need to find ways to “get back in the meditation saddle.” The world at large seems to have blurred the edges between meditation and mindfulness. So, let’s set the record straight a little: Meditation has many forms and mindfulness is a form where you bring your focus to one point such as breathing. This can be part of a wider meditation or be the meditation in and of itself. But what is meditation and how can we get into it for first time and be motivated to get back in? Read how here…

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Helping and Encouraging Your Kids to Eat Healthy

By Erika Slater
kids eating fruit salad

As a parent, it can be difficult to make sure your children are eating good and healthy all of the time! Let me take that back… most of the time? I encountered this problem first-hand when my three boys were growing up. In those days, I was attempting to “fix” their poor tastes in food by giving them supplement drinks. But the fact is, we are their role models for food and what we offer to them. Back in those days we were just beginning to uncover the huge impact sugars and processed foods where having on our kids. The problem is things haven’t got any better, and in fact in many respects even worse. So, we can influence their eating habits for the rest of their lives and this is what today’s article is all about. Read more…

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Stop Drinking Soda For Your Own Good

By Peter Sacco
Soda Drinking Cans

Almost every health-related TV show or newspaper/magazine is denouncing processed sugars and of course soft drinks. Are they really that bad? Some media forums are going so far as to call soft drinks “health crushers.” Why are they suddenly so bad, or have they always been, but we’re just now identifying all of the negative consequences associated with consuming them? For starters, Harvard Medical School conducted an 11-year study on the effects of diet cola and kidney functioning in 3,000 women. What they found was eye-opening! The consumption of diet cola (most likely caused by the diet sweeteners in them) was associated with a two-fold risk for potential kidney decline. Unfortunately, the not so good information for soda consumption did not end there…

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Hypnosis is Yoga for the Mind – Flexibility for Your Brain

By Erika Slater
Yoga for the Mind Concept Image

Are you familiar with yoga? First impressions of it are usually a fascination of people in weirdly unusual body positions. That’s a start but it’s much more. Perhaps you even practice yoga in your daily living. If you do then you know there’s a richness to it you can’t understand unless you experience it. Have you ever tried hypnosis? First impression of it is people with their eyes closed just like meditation. Maybe you use hypnosis in your life as well. If you do then you know the life changing tool you have as your unconscious mind and it’s premise is different than meditation. What about ‘yoga for the mind’? Have you ever heard of this concept before? If not, then please read on…

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The Benefits of Deep Forest Relaxation and Forest Therapy

By Peter Sacco
deep forest image

Are you someone who has a hard time seeing the forest from the trees literally? That is, you’re not too in tune with nature and don’t do the ‘nature walk‘ thingy often, or ever? Are you more of an iron jungle and technology type of person, whereby everything that surrounds you is usually of a 9 to 5 mentality? Then perhaps you’re someone who could benefit from starting to see both the forest and the trees together and start connecting with your natural roots! Or maybe you remember those days when you did spend time in your favorite forest but haven’t had the chance for many years, and long to experience the peace and connection once again. When was the last time you went on a nature walk? Want to know how to one in your home? Read more…

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Practicing Self-Compassion – How to Be Kinder to Yourself

By Erika Slater
Self-Compassion Title Image

How compassionate and kind are you to other people, especially family and close friends? The world is full of random acts of kindness despite what the media dishes up everyday for so-called news – doing kind things for others just doesn’t make compelling news these days I’m afraid! Would you go the extra mile for a co-worker or even someone you just met if they needed your help? I’m sure most people reading this would give the “shirt off of their back” for a complete stranger if they were in dire need of your help. Interestingly, too many people don’t share the same kind of deep self-compassion for themselves. They’re quick to find fault in themselves and “beat themselves up” verbally when something goes wrong or when they make a mistake. In reality, they don’t think enough of themselves to give the same kind of care, kindness and compassion as they would give to other people. But that’s about to change for you. Read how…

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Natural Anti-Aging – Turning Back the Clock to Feel Younger

By Erika Slater
natural anti-aging concept image

Many people wish they could turn back the clock when it comes to aging. Can you? Well, let’s explore this in today’s post. Let’s start where you are today. Give this some thought… did you ever think you’d get to be this old so fast? Sorry if the thought has turned you into a tailspin, but it does seem that the second half of our life rushes past us at an accelerated rate over the first half – regardless of the age you’ve reached today. We also define our ages differently as well depending on where you are today. Thinking back to when you were a young teenager likely those in their twenties were your boundary of an old person. Somebody in their 20’s reflects on the movements of a 60 or 70-year old person as being slow and stooping with the aid of a cane to get from A to B. The truth is many folks beyond sixties who keep trim and fit can do activities and exercises that are beyond teenagers or folks in their twenties or thirties. It seems like ‘just yesterday’ when you most likely thought getting older was a long way away, but something cruel happened along the way… time continued to move on and guess what, you grew older! Read more here…

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...