Health and Wellness

Erika Slater Head and upper torso image2Health and Wellness is all about what we do on a regular basis to maintain our physical and mental condition – essentially, how we take care of ourselves.

We know now that it’s not just about paying attention to our physical health by eating healthy and nourishing foods to fuel and heal our physical body, but also how we treat ourselves mentally and spiritually. Quality sleep, daily quiet time practicing mediation/mindfulness, and being compassionate and kind to ourselves is as important as doing the same to others.

The quality of life starts with having a sound body and mind and the selection of materials you’ll find here cover insights into natural therapies, our mind-body connections, nutrition and weight management, stress, slowing the aging process and much more.

Enjoy the articles.

Estranged Adult Children – The Parents Side of the Story

By Erika Slater
Estranged Adult Child Concept Image

No one ever said being a parent would be a “walk in the woods” – I’ve had three myself, on and some days it feels more like climbing Everest! In fact, once you’re a parent, you’re always a parent for life. You never stop worrying about your kids because they’re a part of you, and no matter how old they are, they’ll always be your ‘wee’ ones. So when your kids go through difficult or trying times, you want to do anything and everything to fix things, making sure they’re okay. After all, you’re their parent and its part of the unwritten job description. A lot has been written about kids going growing up and the changes they encounter and have to make, but not much material or attention has been focused on the other side as regards the impact on parents. Read more…

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How to Come Back from Burnout

By Peter Sacco

Have you ever felt like you are at the end of your rope when it comes to having energy and stamina? What about when you feel like you are “just losing it” when it comes to your emotions? Perhaps you are feeling so stressed out that your emotions are going up and down like a crazy roller coaster, or they have gotten to the point where you just feel completely numb. Do you have problems remembering things that the simplest tasks seem like dreadful chores, or trying to remember a name seems like a major skill testing question? Has it gotten to the point where you literally feel like you are going insane and just want to run away and be left completely alone? If you have answered “yes” to most or all of these questions, you may definitely be at the stage of burnout. Read more…

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Coping with an Asperger’s Partner

By Peter Sacco
Autism Concept Image

Are you married to someone who has Aspergers Syndrome? Whether or not your partner was diagnosed with it, you may still see all of the signs and symptoms, sometimes feeling like you are fighting a losing battle. It’s no secret that living with someone who has Aspergers Syndrome! For those of you who are not too familiar with Aspergers syndrome, here is a quick rundown on some of the more prevalent symptoms and behaviors. Learn here…

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Looking Forward with No Regrets

By Peter Sacco
Looking Forward Image

One of the hardest things in life is letting go of the past. Let’s face it, the past is a very safe place because it has already happened. Guess what? You even know how it is going to turn out. What is mind boggling is how much people hold onto from the past that was demoralizing, destructive and even damaging to them. When they do this, they literally add meaning to the saying that “Misery loves company!” and sometimes for as long as that company (the misery caused by regrets) is allowed to stay. If you are someone who deals with regrets from your past, then is article is for you.

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Stop and Smell the Roses by Living in the Moment

By Peter Sacco
Woman Smelling Roses Image

I am sure you have heard the expression, “Just stop and smell the roses!” If you haven’t heard that one, then perhaps, “Stop and smell the coffee”? If you smell the coffee then it might help you to learn to smell the roses for a moment. Exactly what does smelling the roses mean? It means not only learning to appreciate the moment you are living in, but actually living in that moment! When you stop to smell the roses or the coffee for that matter, you are turning your senses into a state of high alert. This means that you are “sensing” when you are actively living rather than going with the flow. Read more…

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Loving Your Imperfect Partner

By Peter Sacco
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Don’t you just wish you could meet the person of your dreams, or already have the partner of your dreams? You know the one that is in every way, shape and form perfect! The problem with this thinking is that if your partner is “perfect” then they are infallible and therefore since they know what perfection is, then they will expect the same from you… perfection! Are you perfect? Okay, get out of your ego for a moment and ask yourself, “Am I really that perfect?” Read on…

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Creating a Permanent and Mindful Change – Part IV

By Peter Sacco
Mindfulness Concept Image

This is the final part of our introductory series to mindfulness. So you’ve read this far and want to know more about mindfulness, do you? Great then! That means that your conscious mind is truly seeking something for you, a state of being in the moment where your mind is in control. You’ve realized that you are dissatisfied with the way you think and doing things so that change is in order. Congratulations on taking that first step! Here’s more…

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What Would Being Mindful Mean? – Part III

By Peter Sacco
Double Self Image

For many who have never experienced, nor have ever been in this state of continual mindfulness, it could come on as an extreme revelation to them. When I refer to the idea of revelation I am referring to this sense of liberation, or self-efficacy – freedom to not be held captive to negative, nagging and self-deprecating thoughts. It means that you, and I mean the term “you”, the part that seems to be separate from the unconscious gets to gain control over your thoughts. I know this may seem complicated to grasp so stay with me as I try to explain…

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Working on Getting Into a State Of Mindfulness – Part II

By Peter Sacco
Mond Chatter Image

Most people struggle with negative and destructive thinking patterns. Perhaps the greatest struggle that most of these individuals toil with is actually being able to control their thoughts, at least most of them. In order to be a mindful thinker, one has to first plant them self in the driver’s seat of their mind and take control. What are the negative thoughts or self-destructive mindsets that you struggle with on a daily basis? What are the thoughts you have that literally haunt your mind like ghosts in a haunted house? The more you try to shake free from them, the louder they become. More here…

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Introduction to Mindfulness – Part I

By Peter Sacco
Man Thinking Image

Often times you will hear people make reference to the concept “mindfulness”. They will drop the word on you, then they just kind of leave you hanging, never explaining what the word meant or what they intended by its use. “You need to be more mindful of what you are doing or the decisions you are making!” They might say. And there is you, “Say what? How can I be more mindful of what I am doing… is there another gear I can shift my mind into?” Ah, herein lies the vexation as to where most people get lost when it comes to “mindfulness”. Don’t worry we’re going to explore this topic in the next four articles. Get started here…

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...