Erika Slater CH

Erika Slater is Director of Free At Last Hypnosis and Smoke Free At Last and based in Mashpee Massachusetts region serving the towns on Cape Cod and Islands. Erika is a Certified Hypnotist and also writes articles and books on the subject of hypnosis and alternative health. Erika has been a professional hypnotist since 2004 and a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. Erika sees clients in her Cape Cod office or online using Zoom and Skype.

Pattern Interrupt – Breaking the Habit

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Are you a creature of habit, hooked on always doing the same thing over and over, or repeating the same habits even though you know they are detrimental? Have you ever been told by someone close to you; a family member, spouse, friend, co-worker, a counselor, that if you continue to do things the way you’re currently doing them you’re headed toward more mediocrity, perhaps even disaster? Albert Einstein said it best when he came up with his famous definition of insanity–doing things the same way over and over, and hoping for, or expecting different results. If you have been engaging in this form of thought process, or acting out the same way, you’d think by now you’d see different results. Have you? I’m guessing you haven’t. Thinking is a habit. In fact it can be either a good habit or a bad habit depending on the outcome. Your feelings and behaviors are also habitual when you think the same way, even if that certain way of thinking is destructive. Read more here…

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Guide to "What is Hypnosis?"

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When you discuss the topic of hypnosis with anyone, they’re usually confused with grasping the concept. Many people have trouble believing hypnosis is real, and those that teeter on the fence with regards to what it is and what it can do, usually believe there is some mystery or something entirely mystical about hypnosis in a magical sense. The fact is hypnosis is real and there’s nothing mystical or magical about it. If there is any element of mystery it surrounds the subconscious mind and how it works and not hypnosis. Many hypnotherapists will tell you all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. This stems from the perspective Hypnosis only works if you’re actively participating in it and so in effect you’re actually doing it to yourself. This is an over simplification of the process where a therapist is involved but as the goal here is to discuss general hypnosis we can put this debate aside for today. Hypnosis works on our subconscious mind also called the unconscious mind – different terms same thing. The subconscious mind among other things controls our habits. It’s a life-saving device for us, for example making sure we continue the habit of breathing when we fall asleep! Read more here…

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21 Ways to Better Sport Performance using Self-Hypnosis

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Hypnosis has been used for decades to help Professional and Olympic athletes reach their optimum performance in competition. Sports psychologists long ago identified that reaching peak for an athlete wasn’t just the result of physical preparation but also mental preparation. Top sports teams begun to involve people with the skills to teach an athlete how to mentally prepare to get to the top in their sport. Now you can access the secrets employed by top performance athletes to improve your abilities and results. It’s like having your own professional sports psychologist as part of your team helping you get the optimum from your game every day. Discover more…

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Introducing a Primer for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP hasn’t been around for very long – 40 years. It has however been employed by some famous self-help gurus – most noteworthy is Tony Robbins. But this doesn’t tell the important part of its capabilities as we do not all have the charisma and tribal following of a Tony Robbins or a T. Harv Eker, and neither do most practitioners of NLP. NLP has been used by its practitioners as a means to help people achieve a different result in their life. These can be people who have a major behavioral issue of habit they want to change, or people who seek a richer and more fulfilling life. As NLP, at its core, offers the potential for deeper self-awareness and ability to control outcomes with this knowledge, then this all makes sense. Discover how it could benefit you here…

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Five Things Smoker’s Do to Sabotage themselves When Quitting

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There are five things smokers can do to sabotage their efforts to become a non-smoker. These are not the only ones but they are the most common. As you read them don’t scoff and say I would never let these bring me down – because smoker’s like you trying to quit have been brought down by these. We are all capable of lapses of logic and concentration and as you’ll see it can lead to “throwing a wrench” into your stop smoking plans. Read about the five saboteurs here…

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Self-Talk Confidence Builders

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Are you familiar with the expression, “You are what you eat?” I am sure you have probably heard it spoken, but what about this one, “You are what you think about most?” Before reading any further, what is it that you tell yourself most about you? Do you think about yourself in a positive and successful light, or are you your own worst critic, condescending and putting yourself down every opportunity you get? You see, the choice is yours – You are what you think! The key to gaining or creating self-confidence begins with you. More here…

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Drawing Clear Boundaries On Requests For Your Time

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Do you ever feel like there are never enough hours in the day to get done what you have to get done? Upon further review, when you look at what you are getting done does most of it focus on the needs and whims of others, and what they want from you? What about you? Are you truly getting what you want and are you spending enough on you? There is nothing selfish about wanting time for yourself and getting what you want. Read more here…

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How to Improve Your Self-Image

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They say that image is everything. You get one chance to make a first best impression! We dress for success not only with the clothes that we wear but all the behaviors and attitudes that we put on display. Are you happy with your current self-image? If not, are you ready to undergo a self-image makeover? Well, there is no time like the present so let’s get started!

To start out, if you were asked to describe yourself, what would you say about yourself?

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Why You Should Stop Worrying What Others Think About You

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Are you a person who constantly worries about what other people think about you? Are you one of those folks who feels the need to place a false persona on themselves in order to feel and be accepted by others even though you dislike pretending to be something you aren’t? If so, it’s time to stop acting the way you think others want you to be and start being your own person. Sometimes this is easier said than done because you’ve been role-playing to fit in and perhaps lost sight of who you really are! Here’s some hard-hitting advice for you.

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Overcome Challenging Thoughts by Using Your Delete Key!

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Do you have troubles with faulty or irrational thinking? Do you find that you stumble into the same patterns of destruction and mayhem when it comes to thinking? Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to your thoughts and their ability to crush your self-esteem? If you are looking for a way out of negative thinking and landing in a domain of positive thinking, then you’ll want to read on…

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...