
Erika Slater Head and upper torso image2Mindset can be defined as the established set of attitudes held by someone. Mindsets can be formed throughout life but many are formed early during childhood and teenage experiences. Mindset can be positive in defining who we are and what we believe and can provide us a moral path to follow.

Mindsets can also work against us, by disempowering and limiting our growth when the attitude we hold is one of a fixed mindset. A growth mindset on the other hand is a belief that our brains and talents can be developed and the “world is our oyster.”

In this selection of materials, you’ll see the term “how to” used often as it supports a growth mindset. Other articles discuss the connection between our mind and body portraying open attitudes to new ideas and development of our brain.

A growth mindset is a key concept when seeking a significant change experience as it speaks to the need for an open and flexible attitude.

Enjoy the articles.

Unconscious Problem Solving – Working Through Problems Using Hypnosis

By Erika Slater
Woman trying to remember something with a pained expression

Do you ever have difficulty remembering something, especially when you need to remember it at a specific moment or when under pressure? Does it frustrate you knowing the answer is ‘right on the tip of your tongue’, you can almost say it, but there’s some ridiculous mental block that won’t let you recall it in the moment when you most want to remember! Then… moments later… when you’ve stopped actively trying to remember it, suddenly it pops into your thoughts like magic! This happens to all of us and is more common than you may think. This is referred to as unconscious problem solving, not the forgetting part, rather the ‘remembering’ part that comes to us… eventually! Read more to find out how to tap into this for your benefit…

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Dealing with Grief – Different Forms and Ways to Live Again

By Erika Slater
Grief stricken and sad woman holding her brow

Grief and sadness are parts of living the human experience. No one is exempt from feeling the pains that accompany grief at some point in their lives. Grief is usually associated with a loss such as: death, divorce, finances, or a job, all of which can lead to adjustment difficulties. It’s not uncommon for grief to last a long time and become depression. When grief becomes chronic depression then it has the ability to render someone to feel and become helpless and hopeless. If and when it should get to that point, usually outside intervention is required. Here are ways that Grief can take all the joy out of life and what to do about it…

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Increasing or Starting Your Meditation Motivation

By Erika Slater
Woman meditating at work

This article touches on three related topics – meditation, mindfulness and hypnosis. Meditation in particular has got to a point with a lot of folks where they’ve gotten so distracted they “forget” to be mindful or practice meditation, or become inconsistent about it. The focus of this article is how to help you increase or start your motivation for meditation as there’s nothing changed about its effectiveness or benefits for you. You just need to find ways to “get back in the meditation saddle.” The world at large seems to have blurred the edges between meditation and mindfulness. So, let’s set the record straight a little: Meditation has many forms and mindfulness is a form where you bring your focus to one point such as breathing. This can be part of a wider meditation or be the meditation in and of itself. But what is meditation and how can we get into it for first time and be motivated to get back in? Read how here…

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How to Reduce Memory Loss as You Age – Ways to Age Proof Your Brain

By Erika Slater
Memory Loss Concept Image

Memory loss, being forgetful, and the frustrating inability to recall quickly things you know you know, but just can’t remember, are all symptoms we associate with aging. And it’s true as we get older it does seem as if we lose some of that memory retention and quick recall we had, and needed, when we were younger learning rote things so we could pass an exam. We can all do things to improve our memories and the fact is you should start now to not only reduce your risk of brain disease in the future, but pave the way for retaining a healthy capacity to retain knowledge and details of past events. It starts with your brain and understanding what’s going on to retain and recall our memories. Prepare to be amazed.

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How to Stop Thinking About Someone So You Get On With Life

By Erika Slater
Thinking of Someone Concept Image

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. For some, one’s absence can be utter turmoil and torment! There are times in your life where no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to stop thinking about someone. There are generally three reasons people can’t seem to stop thinking about others; 1) They have an intense and extreme crush on another individual, 2) They miss someone who has left their life, or 3) They worry about another person so much their thoughts are endlessly consumed with worry. If you’ve never been able to stop thinking about someone, or you’re in that place at this point in your life right now, then this article is for you…

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Natural Anti-Aging – Turning Back the Clock to Feel Younger

By Erika Slater
natural anti-aging concept image

Many people wish they could turn back the clock when it comes to aging. Can you? Well, let’s explore this in today’s post. Let’s start where you are today. Give this some thought… did you ever think you’d get to be this old so fast? Sorry if the thought has turned you into a tailspin, but it does seem that the second half of our life rushes past us at an accelerated rate over the first half – regardless of the age you’ve reached today. We also define our ages differently as well depending on where you are today. Thinking back to when you were a young teenager likely those in their twenties were your boundary of an old person. Somebody in their 20’s reflects on the movements of a 60 or 70-year old person as being slow and stooping with the aid of a cane to get from A to B. The truth is many folks beyond sixties who keep trim and fit can do activities and exercises that are beyond teenagers or folks in their twenties or thirties. It seems like ‘just yesterday’ when you most likely thought getting older was a long way away, but something cruel happened along the way… time continued to move on and guess what, you grew older! Read more here…

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How to Program Your Mind to Get Everything You Want Out of Life

By Erika Slater
Program Your Mind Concept Image

Everyone’s brain possesses an area known as the reticular activating system. It’s the area you can program for modifying your ‘mind’ to your specifications. Let’s think for a moment what this could mean for you… You could increase your overall sense of well-being. You could improve your mood states when it comes to completing goals you’ve set for yourself. You could overcome difficulties falling asleep at night and getting a deep restful sleep. You could make habit changes such as to quitting smoking or losing weight easier. How interested would you be in helping yourself get what you want – good outcomes? If you are then read on…

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How to Overcome Stubbornness

By Peter Sacco
Being Stubborn Concept Image

Have you ever been accused of being stubborn? There are many terms which are often synonymous with being stubborn. If you have been called; “hard headed, pig headed, bull headed, thick, inflexible, rigid, set in your ways, or even a dinosaur”, then someone may be trying to point out that you are as stubborn as a mule and need to change. Being single-minded and determined is okay, as long as it doesn’t cross boundaries or ignore the thoughts, ideas or opinions of others when they matter. After a while, folks get tired of being around “legends in their own minds” that dictate how everything is done, and soon stubborn people are left to themselves. For all intents and purposes, stubbornness is truly a choice… a mindset! Want to change…

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Self-Mastery and Impulse Control

By Peter Sacco
Impulse Control Concept Image

Some individuals have what are called impulse control disorders whereby they act impulsively, sometimes planned or most times unplanned. Impulse control disorders are real mental health problems which psychology has diagnosed for years. Whenever an individual possesses a specific type of impulse control disorder, they usually feel a distressing tension or become highly aroused, then they feel the need to act out on it to feel some sort of relief from committing the act, or deriving some sense of pleasure or gratification from having followed through. Often times thereafter, the individual is most likely to experience a sense of shame, guilt, regret or even remorse for committing the act, especially if it has hurt or offended another person. Read more…

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Using Self-Talk to Make Positive Changes

By Peter Sacco
Think Positive Concept Image

Everyone carries around with them an inner voice… your voice. This is your self-talk. You are always talking to yourself. When you are awake, your self-talk is often of a conscious nature, but there is also unconscious self-talk which at times takes over, or reminds your conscious mind of something that happened in the past which now makes you dwell on it in the present moment. When you sleep, your mind shifts from an active state (conscious) to a passive state (unconscious) and your ‘self-talk’ then becomes one of being in a state of overdrive – your unconscious mind does all the talking for you in the form of dreams. Read more to learn how to make your self-talk positive.

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...