
Erika Slater Head and upper torso image2Mindset can be defined as the established set of attitudes held by someone. Mindsets can be formed throughout life but many are formed early during childhood and teenage experiences. Mindset can be positive in defining who we are and what we believe and can provide us a moral path to follow.

Mindsets can also work against us, by disempowering and limiting our growth when the attitude we hold is one of a fixed mindset. A growth mindset on the other hand is a belief that our brains and talents can be developed and the “world is our oyster.”

In this selection of materials, you’ll see the term “how to” used often as it supports a growth mindset. Other articles discuss the connection between our mind and body portraying open attitudes to new ideas and development of our brain.

A growth mindset is a key concept when seeking a significant change experience as it speaks to the need for an open and flexible attitude.

Enjoy the articles.

Looking Forward with No Regrets

By Peter Sacco
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One of the hardest things in life is letting go of the past. Let’s face it, the past is a very safe place because it has already happened. Guess what? You even know how it is going to turn out. What is mind boggling is how much people hold onto from the past that was demoralizing, destructive and even damaging to them. When they do this, they literally add meaning to the saying that “Misery loves company!” and sometimes for as long as that company (the misery caused by regrets) is allowed to stay. If you are someone who deals with regrets from your past, then is article is for you.

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Stop and Smell the Roses by Living in the Moment

By Peter Sacco
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I am sure you have heard the expression, “Just stop and smell the roses!” If you haven’t heard that one, then perhaps, “Stop and smell the coffee”? If you smell the coffee then it might help you to learn to smell the roses for a moment. Exactly what does smelling the roses mean? It means not only learning to appreciate the moment you are living in, but actually living in that moment! When you stop to smell the roses or the coffee for that matter, you are turning your senses into a state of high alert. This means that you are “sensing” when you are actively living rather than going with the flow. Read more…

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Loving Your Imperfect Partner

By Peter Sacco
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Don’t you just wish you could meet the person of your dreams, or already have the partner of your dreams? You know the one that is in every way, shape and form perfect! The problem with this thinking is that if your partner is “perfect” then they are infallible and therefore since they know what perfection is, then they will expect the same from you… perfection! Are you perfect? Okay, get out of your ego for a moment and ask yourself, “Am I really that perfect?” Read on…

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How to Develop a Debt-Free Mindset

By Peter Sacco
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Do you believe in the law of intention? Have you heard about it? Basically, it asserts that what we think about most we draw into our lives or become. Often times, what we attract to ourselves we do so by proxy or automatic overdrive, in that we don’t put a lot of thought into it. So, what kind of financial mindset do you operate from? Do you worry that you never have enough and will always be living from paycheck to paycheck? Perhaps you are operating on the premise of abundance – there is enough to go around and I will attract whatever I need into my life. If you are operating in the domain of the latter mindset, then you have developed a debt-free mindset.

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How to Develop Optimism

By Peter Sacco
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There is an old saying that goes something like this, “If you think you can than you are probably right, and if you think you can’t then you are probably right as well!” So which side of this two headed coin (namely your mind do you want to fall on? If you picked the “think you can” side, then you are well on your way to optimism! Often times you will hear people compare themselves to the “glass” analogy. If they refer to a glass as being “half empty” then they are a negative or pessimistic thinker. On the other hand, when someone refers to the glass as being “half full” then they are thought of as a positive or optimistic thinker. Really? Here’s some enlightenment and what to do.

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How to Break through Barriers Holding You Back

By Peter Sacco
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What is a barrier? According to any definition, a barrier is some kind of structure which blocks or impedes the progress of something or someone. If you want to take this working definition one step further, the “structure” need not be physical in nature, but can be mental, emotional or psychological as well. Did you know that most structures that people put between themselves and their successes or what they most want out of life are mental/psychological? I will bet you when you hear this next notion you will be even more surprised – the greatest barriers people face is a two word barrier starting with the word “I” and ending in the word “can’t” Do you have “I can’t” barriers keeping you from your goals? Here’s what to do.

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Get in Tune with Your Mind for a Healthy Body

By Erika Slater
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How many times have you heard the term “How in tune are you with your body” in connection with getting and remaining healthy? Our own Dr. Peter says this is the wrong question to ask, and a better one is “How in tune are you with your thoughts?” Our thoughts control our feelings which are shown to be a significant impact on the health of our bodies as we further understand what our bodies go through during times of depression and sadness and even anger. The benefits of “Getting in tune with your thoughts” are explored in the fifth installment of Dr. Peter’s Mind Body Connection series.

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The Power of Mind Over Matter

By Erika Slater
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“The Power of Positive Thinking” and “The Secret” is two books that came to mind when thinking about the words intent and power of attraction as a way to get the outcomes you want. Whether you’ve read either or practiced their message doesn’t matter at the moment. You may even be skeptical and feel its all mumbo jumbo and the world and your fate is the way it is and you can’t influence it. I admit it’s a big jump from where most of us in working towards our goals feel manifesting them can happen just by thinking about them and asking the universe to take care of it for us. So instead let’s start in a different place.

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...