
Erika Slater Head and upper torso image2For many years health challenge treatments were focused on medications only. But there is a sweeping change upon us as medical science begins to understand the power of our own system to aid our wellness, and the harmful side-effects of many medications.

Treatments in many health issues today aren’t just about prescription drugs but includes therapies that tap into our body’s own ability to fight “invasions” using the power of our own mind. In most instances this isn’t instead of, but in addition to, prescribed medication. But where prescription drugs have not, or cannot, help, then other therapies are sought.

Treatments today need to provide long-term solutions and not just address symptoms, and the selection of materials you’ll find here cover insights into hypnosis, mental illness, cognitive behavioral therapy, stress and anxiety, and much more.

Enjoy the articles.

Introducing a Primer for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

By Erika Slater
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Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP hasn’t been around for very long – 40 years. It has however been employed by some famous self-help gurus – most noteworthy is Tony Robbins. But this doesn’t tell the important part of its capabilities as we do not all have the charisma and tribal following of a Tony Robbins or a T. Harv Eker, and neither do most practitioners of NLP. NLP has been used by its practitioners as a means to help people achieve a different result in their life. These can be people who have a major behavioral issue of habit they want to change, or people who seek a richer and more fulfilling life. As NLP, at its core, offers the potential for deeper self-awareness and ability to control outcomes with this knowledge, then this all makes sense. Discover how it could benefit you here…

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Overcoming Panic Attacks When Taking Tests

By Peter Sacco
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Panic attacks are a serious matter and can be very debilitating for some people. It is a known fact that almost one in five people suffer from anxiety or some form of it at any given time. Panic attacks are a type of anxiety. Anxiety is often a result of some traumatic experience one has experienced, or it is a perceived stressor from watching or witnessing a traumatic event. Once a person experiences anxiety a couple of times they are more prone to experience it over and over. Furthermore, once someone experiences a panic attack, they are more likely to get worse, to the point of withdrawing from many activities they enjoy. When you have panic attacks that go hand in hand with test taking in school, then real problems can begin! What is a panic attack? Read on to find out…

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Uses of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

By Peter Sacco
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Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often referred to as a form of “instant therapy” in some mental health and addiction circles. The reason that some view it as instant is because of the immediate effect is has to change the mindset of individual. In fact, CBT is commonly used in brief intervention and crisis intervention (working with someone who is in mental crisis or suicidal) because it has the ability to have an immediate influence on one’s present cognition. Cognition means thinking or thought processes. When someone’s thought process or cognitions are negative or irrational then they are said to have a faulty thought process. This faulty thought process leads the individual to think negatively, make bad choices, and produce feelings of fear, anxiety, pessimism and even depression. Read more here…

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 101

By Peter Sacco
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Cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT is one of the most popular therapy treatments for mental health disorders as well as habits and addictions. It is not a new therapy as it has been around a long time depending if you attribute its origin to Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy in the 1950’s, or Aaron T. Beck’s Cognitive therapy in the 1960’s. No matter who you want to give major credit to for creating this effective mental health therapy, the operative word is “effective” – it works efficiently and shows excellent results! Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective because it does three important things for clients or patients using it. Learn about them here…

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How Can Hypnosis Work if I Can Hear and Remember Everything?

By Peter Sacco
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As a hypnotherapist and psychological practitioner, one of the most interesting things I have ever heard from clients or people that I have hypnotized is, “It must not have worked because I could hear everything, and I can remember everything that you said!” Really? So let me see if I get this straight then…”How else will hypnosis work since your eyes are closed and I am doing the talking and you the ‘listening’ if you can’t hear me?” And then if you remember everything I was saying, that definitely must be a bad thing because it means what? Hmm… let’s discover more about this thinking…

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Overcoming Sports Injuries Using Hypnosis

By Peter Sacco
Hypnosis can be used to aid the healing process after injury

Sports injuries are not a laughing matter when they rob a professional or amateur athlete of their dreams. For those individuals who participate in sports for fitness and health, or as a recreational, fun activity, having it taken away due to an injury can also be very traumatizing. What can one do to help overcome injuries related to sports and be on the road to optimal health once again? The first place to start is obviously seeing a physician and making sure there is no permanent damage or an injury that requires specialized medical care. Also, we live in a time when alternative medicine and techniques are being used more often and accredited and recognized for their benefits and healing potential. Here’s more…

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How to Use Hypnosis to Overcome Shyness

By Peter Sacco
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Are you the type of person who is so shy that you have difficulty talking to people, let alone approaching someone and making contact with them? Do you find that when someone is talking to you, you kind of feel nervous, even jittery? What’s that all about? Well, if you are like many other people, you possess an issue with shyness. And it’s not a mental illness, or a bad thing per se, but it can get in the way of being successful and being happy. Where does shyness come from? Is it learned or are people born being shy? The answer is simple…

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Regression Hypnosis Therapy as a Tool to Remove Influences of the Past

By Erika Slater
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Age Regression Hypnosis Therapy is a tool hypnotherapists use to identify and clear events of the past and associated imprints and their negative effects. These imprints can impact attempts at achieving a goal a client wishes to accomplish such as losing weight or having confidence. The premise of regression therapy is if previous attempts at losing weight or self-improvement have been unsuccessful then there is likely an event in the past triggering feelings that act as a barrier to change. Most times people aren’t even aware of the barrier, but sense something deep-rooted is obstructing and frustrating their progress.

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5 Tips on Choosing a Hypnotist to Help You Stop Smoking Using Hypnosis

By Erika Slater

Once you’ve made the decision to Stop Smoking using Hypnosis then the search begins for a hypnotist to help you overcome your habit. Here are 5 tips to consider when choosing one.

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In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...