
Erika Slater Head and upper torso image2Phobias are usually defined as irrational fears which can be life limiting when involving fear of crowds, open or closed spaces, bathing, etc. There are other fears we have such as spiders, driving or flying, speaking or performance anxiety, or confrontations, which are difficult to avoid and so we muddle through under stress and anxiety.

Phobias can usually be traced back to a forgotten event, or in the case of spiders maybe a “learned” phobia based on other’s impressionable reaction at an early age. The only fears we are born with are fear of falling and loud noises. All other fears are “learned.”

Phobias can also become habits that we cling to because they provide an excuse for us to avoid something.

This selection of articles covers a group of “softer” fears that can usually be resolved with the aid of hypnosis.

Enjoy the articles.

Overcoming the Fear of Heights – Conquering Acrophobia

By Erika Slater
Girl sitting over high mountain view

Are you afraid of heights? Whenever you stand atop of something very high, do you begin to feel squeamish, with butterflies starting to take flight in your stomach, your legs feeling like they’re turning to jelly, and feeling dizzy and light-headed? If you feel any or combination of the above then you most likely have a fear of heights, which by the way is a common phobia. Acrophobia is the more exact term for this fear of heights, even when you’re not necessarily that high up. Vertigo is sometimes misleadingly attached to fear of heights but is caused by a different condition entirely even though the symptoms can appear to be similar. I’m sure that doesn’t sound too reassuring, but understanding why you’ve a fear of heights and how you can deal with it better, may help! Here’s more…

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Overcoming Ablutophobia – the Fear of Washing and Bathing

By Erika Slater
Ablutophobia Girl Concept Image

Do you possess the phobia known as Ablutophobia? Have you even heard of it, let alone have difficulty pronouncing it? Well, this is a real phobia and not some random word selected for a spelling bee or a “Wheel of Fortune” contestant. It’s also not a phobia of the famed Popeye cartoon character Bluto! Now I’m really dating myself! If you’ve never heard of it before it may come somewhat of a surprise, as it’s a fear of one of the most basic elements of humanity – a fear of hygiene! Like many phobias, it can be difficult to pinpoint when and how it started but it’s a fear that was learned, and so you should take comfort in knowing there’s a great chance it can be overcome with the right therapy and help. Read more…

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Overcoming Mindsets Leading to Fear of Change or Metathesiophobia

By Erika Slater
Fear of Change Sign

Fear of change can manifest itself throughout our life. There is even a term for it – Metathesiophobia. To a certain extent, we are all anxious about change. Going to college and saying goodbye to neighbors and friends we made at high school, getting married, changing jobs, moving to a new house or area. We can’t get through life without change but that doesn’t make it any easier. It can just make us more anxious. We can learn then to fear change depending on our past experiences by avoiding change to the point where it can be detrimental to the fundamental needs of being human. But we can learn to overcome. this fear. Find out here…

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How to Overcome Fear of Making Mistakes

By Peter Sacco
Fear Concept Image

When you were a child did you ever get ridiculed, chastised or even punished for doing something wrong or making a mistake? Were you asked to do it over and over again until you got it right? Did this process seem degrading, humiliating or even painful? Going forward, even into your adult life now do you worry about making mistakes because you believe there will be consequences that will be degrading, humiliating or even painful? No wonder some people never try new things or take any chances because they are conditioned to believe that mistakes bring with them hardships. If you feel this is you then read on to learn how to overcome this fear…

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How to Overcome Fear of Fainting

By Peter Sacco
Fainting Image

Have you ever worried about fainting or passing out to the point that you worry about going out in public or being around people? When it gets to the point that you can’t or do not want to be around people because of this condition then you possess what is called agoraphobia. People who possess this phobia have it so bad that they cannot even leave their homes because they worry about passing out, fainting or having an intense anxiety attack that will lead to tremendous embarrassment. When one’s fear of fainting or passing out reaches this level, then they possess the phobia known as asthenophobia which is a real-time phobia. What does it feel like to experience or feel this kind of fainting phobia? Most often times this phobia or sensation is linked to three different sets of perceived feelings. Read about these sets here…

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Fear of Conflict and Confrontation

By Peter Sacco
Cat and Mouse Image

Are you an individual who is afraid to speak their mind, worried what others might think or how they might respond? Do you worry that if you speak the truth, or tell someone how you are really thinking that you might “scare” them off or lose them as a friend? Are their times when you really wanted to speak up, but instead bite your tongue, only to stew or regret not saying something hours after, or even days later? If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions then you may possess a fear of confrontation – saying what is really on your mind. Read this for help.

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Overcoming Fear of the Dark

By Peter Sacco
fear of dark concept image

Do you remember when you were a kid how you would dread going to bed because it meant being all alone in your little bed in the darkness? Of course you absolutely had to have the closet door shut as you worried you might look in that direction and perhaps see red eyes staring back at you. Maybe you had to check underneath your bed or behind your bedroom door to make sure the “boogieman” wasn’t hiding there, waiting to gobble you up! At least you are an adult now and there is no need to worry anymore about sleeping with the lights on, or at least with a tiny little night light, or is there? Read how to overcome it here…

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Overcoming Noise Sensitivity

By Peter Sacco
Girl Noise Problem Image

Do you find that loud noises, especially the sudden ones bother you? Do you become easily unraveled, even jittery after hearing loud sounds that you are stressed out for a long period of time thereafter? Are there certain sounds that you just can’t seem to block out no matter what you do that get so deep under your skin that they lead you to feeling irate? Perhaps you possess Misophonia, which is a sensitivity to loud or repetitive noises. Is it normal? If so, what can you do about it to change it? Read more…

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


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