Coping with an Asperger’s Partner

by Peter Sacco

Autism Concept Image

Living with an Asperger’s Partner can be very difficult

Are you married to someone who has Asperger’s Syndrome?

Whether or not your partner was diagnosed with it, you may still see all of the signs and symptoms, sometimes feeling like you are fighting a losing battle. It’s no secret that living with someone who has Aspergers Syndrome can be very draining!

For those of you who are not too familiar with Asperger’s syndrome, here is a quick rundown on some of the more prevalent symptoms and behaviors.

First, the most notable feature in those with the disorder is that they demonstrate difficulties in social interaction. Many of these individuals have difficulty expressing themselves appropriately in the right context around other people and in most social interactions.

For kids with Asperger’s, they often act out repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

NOTE: Asperger’s is commonly diagnosed in late teenage years. Typically they can receive a diagnosis of PDD  or even High-Functional Autism.

There are many other characteristics of Asperger s syndrome which include areas where one’s social skills are greatly lacking. Many Asperger’s individuals lack nonverbal communication skills.

When you think about it, nearly 85% or more of our communication is non-verbal.

Someone with Asperger’s syndrome often times is not able to pick up underlying messages in non-verbal communication which can make it trying for people communicating with them. Furthermore, many folks with this syndrome possess limited empathy skills, which is their ability to emotionally relate to other people.

This sometimes makes them appear as an outcast, or perceived as a social deviant. This can lead to the unfortunate label and stigma as a “kid” even when an adult whereby they are viewed as incompetent, difficult to get along with, and even overly aggressive!

Most individuals who have Asperger’s syndrome improve over time with adequate teaching throughout childhood and teenage years, as well as through behavior modification strategies.

Although many possess difficulties with communication, social interaction and independence, which often continues well into their adulthood lives, most individuals do live very healthy, fulfilling, functional lives!

What do you do if you live with someone who has Asperger’s and they are your spouse or partner? After all, they are an adult and if you try to treat them like a child this is not going to bode well for social interactions, not to mention the relationship. Since they have a different guidance system, which may stress you out, but it allows them a sense of normalcy, what can you do to alleviate the stress for you?

Often times even when you are getting stressed out by your partner’s different way of interacting, they may be totally unaware of it, or not able to grasp what they are doing wrong.

Hypnosis is one solution you might try as not only a coping mechanism for dealing with Asperger’s partners in that you are able to de-stress yourself by learning relaxation techniques, but it can also help you learn to block out the irritating nuances of your partner.

By using hypnosis, post-hypnotic suggestions can be implemented that help you not only block out irritating behaviors, but also accept them more readily in a more affectionate way. You see, post-hypnotic suggestions are implanted into the unconscious mind and previous behaviors that would normally set you off are now viewed in a more “affectionate” light whereby you appreciate your partner more. Here at Free At Last Hypnosis we leverage concepts discussed here as a resource during our in-office and online sessions for our stress and anxiety hypnosis management program which you can learn more about it here >>>

It may sound a bit absurd, but where has being frustrated and stressed with your partner gotten you to date?

If you’re at a stage where you feel hypnosis could help you cope better dealing with an Asperger’s partner then check out the resource here >>>


Why is it So Darn Hard to Cope with Stress? Ways to Reduce It >>>

Library of Self-Hypnosis Downloads Products >>>

Peter Andrew Sacco Ph.D.
Staff Editor
Free At Last Hypnosis

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