Working on Getting Into a State Of Mindfulness – Part II

by Peter Sacco

Mind Chatter Image

Mind chatter and negative thoughts are destructive to getting to peace

Most people struggle with negative and destructive thinking patterns.

Perhaps the greatest struggle that most of these individuals toil with is actually being able to control their thoughts, at least most of them.

In order to be a mindful thinker, one has to first plant them self in the driver’s seat of their mind and take control.

What are the negative thoughts or self-destructive mindsets that you struggle with on a daily basis? What are the thoughts you have that literally haunt your mind like ghosts in a haunted house?

The more you try to shake free from them, the louder they become.

I will bet that most of your mind chatter focuses on or around any of the following; worries (family, health, finances, relationships, career, home or car maintenance etc.), lack of forgiveness (angry with family, spouse, friends, co-workers, self, etc.) or depression (feeling helpless, hopeless and feel like giving up).

Do any of these negative thought patterns roam the halls of your mind literally, scaring you?

Where the heck did these thoughts come from and how the heck did they grow into the monsters that they are? The answer is they grew from repetition compulsion -doing the same thing repeatedly and automatically without ever really challenging or changing it. In fact, people become habituated or addicted to negative and faulty mind sets that they begin to believe that this is the norm for them.

Now that is scary!

The goal is once you recognize that you are engaging in this self-destructive mindset that you can and will be able to change it by shifting toward positive expectations through creating a thought process based on mindfulness.

The key here is realizing and accepting that your current way of thinking is not working, you are not happy with it, and it may be destructive. Just as a addict has to accept the fact that what they are doing isn’t working, they need to move forward to a mindset of recovery – for the negative thinker, this is a state of mindfulness.

Okay, you are probably saying “Great, that is all fine and dandy, but how do I actually begin this process?

Well, if you are reading this, then you have already began the process because you are engaging in a state of active awareness or attention because what is being stated here is striking a chord in you and you know either on the surface level or deep down that you want to change the way that you think. Once you say “Okay, I do need to change the way I think and want to shift it toward the positive side!“, you have started an active shift in mindfulness – you have given your “mind” the order and/or permission to break away from the way it is used to taking in experiences.

From this point forward, your mind is now being asked to engage in a state of active monitoring of its thoughts rather than a free flowing passive stance – you know, the one where it runs itself laden with negative thoughts!

Finally, here at Free At Last Hypnosis we practice what we preach. Along with hypnosis and NLP techniques we also leverage concepts of mindfulness as a resource during our stop smoking and stress and anxiety hypnosis management program which you can learn more about here >>>

Other articles in this Mindfulness series include:

Introduction to Mindfulness – Part I

What Would Being Mindful Mean? – Part III

Creating a Permanent and Mindful Change – Part IV


Why is it So Darn Hard to Cope with Stress? Ways to Reduce It >>>

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Peter Andrew Sacco Ph.D.
Staff Writer
Free At Last Hypnosis

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