How to Get Shingles Pain Relief
by Peter Sacco
Over the last few years, the outbreak of the virus known as shingles has become more prevalent in North America.
The virus itself appears first inside the body and the symptoms develop on the skin as an extremely painful rash that resembles chicken pox. Most often the pustules appear as blisters on the torso, sides, upper back and neck of the individual.
Some of the more painful lesions spring forth on the face and the upper neck.
The virus itself, “varicella-zoster” is the same virus that causes chicken pox.
Interestingly, once you have had chicken pox, which most people have when they were children, the virus remains in the body inactive. Shingles on Mayo Clinic here >>>
Due to overwhelming stress and distress an individual may experience, both physically and psychology, the virus can become active once again in the body as it has remained dormant in the nerve tissue and the brain and spinal cord.
For the most part, shingles is not life threatening whereby it can be treated and controlled, however in some cases for seniors or those with cases or medical problems, the illness could cause intense sickness.
One of the horrific aspects of shingles is the intense pain that accompanies having the blisters and rashes.
For many people, the severe nerve pain becomes unbearable and uncomfortable whenever anything touches the skin, even soft clothing. It is important to get medical treatment immediately at the earliest onset of shingles. Blisters and rashes usually appear after there is extreme shooting pains or tingling/itching in the skin usually on one side of the body. Within a day to two weeks the blisters begin to appear thus creating a rash.
When the virus is treated early with medication, it may fight the virus more effectively as well as preventing the intense nerve pains that can linger.
When it comes to nerve pain, the discomforting pain can last for weeks, months, and even years for some individuals even well after the blisters have healed.
For shingles, the best treatment is prevention.
Since it usually is more common in individuals over the age of sixty, doctors strongly encourage the shingles vaccine for this population to prevent it from occurring. For the less fortunate who contract the virus, the best line of treatment are anti-viral medications, antibiotic creams as well as over the counter pain medications to lessen the discomfort.
Some doctors prescribe Lidocaine patches and opiates such as codeine for individuals whose pain is so unbearable.
One of the most unfortunate experiences with shingles is the pain caused by restlessness which also leads to lack of sleep. Many people with shingles report that they can never get comfortable, let alone sleep.
For them, the nights are incredibly long and lonely.
Hypnosis is an exceptional tool for assisting in relaxing, sleeping and pain management. It is an excellent complement to the medication, and in some cases can speed the healing by helping the mind teach the body to heal itself naturally. If you want to discuss working directly with us on your particular issue to see if we can help and advise you on a next step, then check out our Hypnosis Services or you can contact us here.
Alternatively, there are excellent CD’s or MP3 Downloads that you can use on your own. One such Hypnosis MP3 for download can be found here >>>
Hypnosis for Management of Pain Relief – A History and Uses >>>
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Peter Andrew Sacco Ph.D.
Staff Editor
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