Belief Changing

Erika Slater headshot photo 300x300

Belief changing is about recognizing we limit what we achieve by our beliefs – limiting beliefs – and doing something about it to change.

We are not born with beliefs but acquire them during childhood through experiences and the environment in which we grow up. Many of our beliefs come from our parents and immediate family. The fact that we “learn them” provides an opportunity to “unlearn” those that are limiting and replace them with beliefs that support our personal growth.

But belief changing not only supports self-improvement it also helps overcome poor habits and addictions, health and wellness aspirations, and treatments we would not otherwise consider to resolve barriers and stubborn challenges holding us back.

The selection of materials you’ll find here provide help in starting down the path of changing beliefs that no longer support you.

Enjoy the articles.

Overcoming the Immunity to Change: Unlock Your Potential

By Erika Slater
Concept image with words overcoming the immunity to change.

Discover about overcoming the immunity to change using strategies to identify your unconscious resistance to change and techniques to secure positive habits.

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How to Get a Natural Anti-Aging Attitude to Feel Younger

By Erika Slater
Portrait of a smiling senior woman

There is a term that exists in today’s society referred to as ‘ageism’. Personally, I consider this term condescending in its tone as it refers to older people in a negative, stereotypical manner. It assumes when you reach a certain age you’re ‘past it.’ What does “past it” even mean in today’s society? Past what? Young people picture seniors as needing walking canes, inflexible and bent over, and shuffling along both in the house and outside. The sun has set on them. When people are called weak, feeble, frail, and even useless just because they’re ‘older’, they’re being labeled based on this stereotype. This is both wrong and sad! But what is even sadder is when older people ‘buy” into this stereotype, believing it to be the truth they start behaving and living accordingly. Image is one thing, but attitude is everything. Let’s explore together how to get to the right attitude…

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Expectations Versus Reality – Setting the Right Intentions

By Erika Slater
Woman feeling disappointed or sad

Are you a person who aims high – shoots for the moon and hopes to at least land among the stars? Do you believe you deserve the best life has to offer you? That’s a wonderful way to think about yourself, and about getting and being your best self. But if you don’t set the bar high for yourself, then you’re more likely to aim way too low. And when you aim low, you ‘ll most likely achieve your goals because they’re much more easily achievable. How to deal with this choice? Read more here…

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How to Stop Negative Thought Patterns and Reprogram Your Thinking

By Erika Slater
Negative Thinking on Napkin Saying

Are you the type of person who tends to, “hope for the best, but expect the worst”? Okay, perhaps your thinking patterns are more negative than that as you mostly thinking about, and are expecting, the worst nine or ten out of ten times because you’re conditioned to disappointment, and let downs from past experiences. Do your past mistakes and experiences keep you rooted in this negativity, rendering you helpless to feel like there’s a continual ‘black cloud’ following you around? If so, then this article make help you begin to break out of this rout! Read more here…

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Overcoming the Fear of Money – Breaking Deep-Rooted Barriers

By Erika Slater
Fear of Money Concept Image

What are your personal thoughts on money? Were you ever told when you were a kid, or even reminded today that “Money is the root of all evil?” Perhaps you were told when you were younger that “Money does not grow on trees!” which led to a mindset that money is really difficult to acquire. If that isn’t enough, some people have been led to believe those who have the most money are born with a “silver spoon” in their back pocket, therefore having lots of money is an entitlement right. Still more folks have bought into the notion if people are rich, then they must have acquired their wealth perhaps through illegal activities or immoral or unethical ways. News media tends to focus on the bad things people do with, or to get, money, rather than the good things – news about good things people do doesn’t seem to get viewers! But it does tend to promote the idea there is more bad things going on with money than good. Of course, this isn’t true. Read more…

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The Power of Words to Change your outcomes

By Erika Slater
Power of Word to Change Concept Image

In my role as a hypnotist words continue to play an important aspect in my life as they help other people overcome challenges or be a better self. The sentences I form using carefully chosen words now help to heal or aid change in others. So words are now important to me in the work I do. There is only one thing more powerful than the spoken word heard by others… and those are the words you speak to yourself. What words do you use to describe or talk about yourself? What words are you using to create your realities? Remember, thoughts eventually become things, spoken words are thoughts. Are you creating your life wisely?

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The Truth About Limiting Beliefs and How to Overcome Them

By Erika Slater
Limiting Beliefs Concept Image

Are you an individual who feels stuck in life, never moving forward, or regretting ‘things’ don’t seem to be turning out the way you wish or expected they would? Do you know what the one constant in your life is in your continual experiences, situations, potential changes and dealing with others? YOU! No matter where you go in life, you take YOU with you. No matter when or where you are in your life, you carry around your personal beliefs, whether they are positive and productive, or negative and limiting.
Where your thoughts go, that’s where your energy will flow. Guess what? If you limit yourself in your thinking and beliefs, your energy flow is going to hit a dead end. Read more…

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Our Mental Blueprints – DNA for the Soul

By Erika Slater
Mental DNA Concept Image

All of the physical and even some non-physical traits such as temperament and mental health, were formed in you before you were even born. What’s really interesting about DNA is that no two people have the same DNA. That’s correct, you’re an original, wonderfully made like no other of the 7 billion people living on the face of this earth, and they’ll never be another person like you. This is your genetic blueprint. Individuals also possess mental/cognitive blueprints as well based on how they think, feel and act which eventually lead to their behaviors. Cognitive is a fancy word used to encompass all that goes into how we individually think, understand, reason, learn and remember knowledge and information. The fact is two people will process the same information differently and arrive at different conclusions influenced by their mental blueprints. Ready to dive in and discover more…

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Pattern Interrupt – Breaking the Habit

By Erika Slater
Break Bad Habits Concept Image

Are you a creature of habit, hooked on always doing the same thing over and over, or repeating the same habits even though you know they are detrimental? Have you ever been told by someone close to you; a family member, spouse, friend, co-worker, a counselor, that if you continue to do things the way you’re currently doing them you’re headed toward more mediocrity, perhaps even disaster? Albert Einstein said it best when he came up with his famous definition of insanity–doing things the same way over and over, and hoping for, or expecting different results. If you have been engaging in this form of thought process, or acting out the same way, you’d think by now you’d see different results. Have you? I’m guessing you haven’t. Thinking is a habit. In fact it can be either a good habit or a bad habit depending on the outcome. Your feelings and behaviors are also habitual when you think the same way, even if that certain way of thinking is destructive. Read more here…

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How to Rewrite Your Life Story

By Peter Sacco
Crossroads of Life Concept Image

Where are you at in your life right now? Perhaps the better question should be is; Are you living the life of your dreams? When asked this question, too many people assert that they are living a life filled with regrets and disappointment. Some say that the “best part of living” is behind them, or that they are “too old to start” something new, or something they have always dreamed about doing. How does someone know that they are too old to change things up and rewrite their life story? What if someone is sixty, does that make them too old? Read more here…

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...