Erika Slater CH

Erika Slater is Director of Free At Last Hypnosis and Smoke Free At Last and based in Mashpee Massachusetts region serving the towns on Cape Cod and Islands. Erika is a Certified Hypnotist and also writes articles and books on the subject of hypnosis and alternative health. Erika has been a professional hypnotist since 2004 and a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. Erika sees clients in her Cape Cod office or online using Zoom and Skype.

Get Your Life Priorities Straight – Busting the Purpose and Goals Myths

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Director's chair with concept of directing your own life

Do you have the priorities in your life straight? Are you doing what you’re supposed to be doing, that is the important things you should be doing? Perhaps you’re wasting your thoughts, time and energy on pointless things that are robbing you of your productivity to do great things, or get the most out of your life. Too many people today are skipping to the tune of others’ expectations. Individuals are spending so much of their time sacrificing their dreams or goals for others, or to meet the needs of others, they neglect their own desires and core dreams. Are you someone who’s put aside your life priorities because someone set their own on you? First of all, this isn’t yet another self-improvement piece about finding your life’s purpose or setting your long-term goals to fulfill that purpose… and then you die. There’s plenty of books and courses out there that may help you do that if that’s what you need. If you’re looking for practical advice then read on…

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Why is it So Darn Hard to Cope with Stress? Ways to Reduce It

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Business person under stress from colleagues

In today’s world it seems stress is at an all-time high! We live in an extremely fast-paced technologically-advanced time period when most people are living their lives expecting things to happen at the drop of a hat, or this is how others expect them to live. Stress comes from all sides as we live an “overloaded life”: our family commitments, our job commitments, and even our friend commitments. Our plate or cup “runneth over.” So many people live their lives based on ‘quantity’, trying to achieve the most they can, while putting in the least amount of effort, instead of getting the truest ‘quality’ from living their lives. This way of living will stress you out! Time for a change? Read this…

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The Importance of Resilience in Overcoming Life Challenges: Ways to Make it Stronger in You

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Solitary candle burning

People have their own measurement and therefore calibration of resilience. One person’s ceiling is another one’s floor. The fact is it’s a fragile thought this “resilience” thing. I can’t go into a pharmacy and pick up a bottle of resilience pills. It can’t be measured other than as an arbitrary interpretation of our own standards. Is it something you’re born with, or is it shaped by your parents and/or environment? Can you manufacture it at the gym or Yoga studio? Maybe a more important question for some of us should be “Can you lose it?” Find out here…

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Stop Time Travelling – Get off the Tardis Machine Now!

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Police call box dr who tardis with words stop time travelling

No, I’m not asking you to stop watching Dr. Who hurtle through time with his Police Call Box model circa 1960s, also known as the “Tardis”. Or skip seeing the next Star Wars or Star Trek blockbuster movie! By the way, if you’re working on a machine that really does let you travel back in time then use my contact page to let me know. I have some plans for revenge I’d love to implement for some individuals with your help! Seriously, we all have regrets about the past and worries about the future. But it’s futile. Here’s where you should be instead…

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Do Affirmations Really Work? – The Good & Bad of Affirmations

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Affirmation wordcloud

There’s a lot of information and literature on affirmations and whether or not they really work. One of the most profound and famous affirmations can be found in the Holy Bible in Proverbs 23:7; “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”. When you discuss and interpret this, one meaning can be what and how you think about yourself, is who you will see yourself as being and becoming. Basically, if you think about yourself a certain way, feel a certain way, then you’ll start to act that way until you eventually become that individual… that way of ‘being.’ But do affirmations really work? I want to explore this today as my experience and opinion is… Read more…

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How to Stay Calm with a Person Who Triggers Anger in You

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Woman remaining calm in meditation pose with angry man

Is there someone in your life you live with, or you know, that just seems to bring out the worst in you? Your day seems to be going perfectly, you’re feeling happy and positive, carefree, but then see them coming down the aisle heading your way, or their number pops up on your phone, and your heart sinks. You have to make the split-second decision of “fight or flight.” You know any interaction with them is going to press your anger buttons and lead to nothing good! Almost everyone has had this type of experience in their lives. There are certain individuals who can infuriate us beyond belief and we wish we could just remain calm and not let them wreck our days. Does this sound familiar? Read on to find out what to do about it…

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Dealing with Grief – Different Forms and Ways to Live Again

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Grief stricken and sad woman holding her brow

Grief and sadness are parts of living the human experience. No one is exempt from feeling the pains that accompany grief at some point in their lives. Grief is usually associated with a loss such as: death, divorce, finances, or a job, all of which can lead to adjustment difficulties. It’s not uncommon for grief to last a long time and become depression. When grief becomes chronic depression then it has the ability to render someone to feel and become helpless and hopeless. If and when it should get to that point, usually outside intervention is required. Here are ways that Grief can take all the joy out of life and what to do about it…

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Stop Smiling Nervously – Why You Do It and How to Overcome It

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Girl with nervous life and a little shy

They say it’s difficult for most people to hide what they’re feeling when it comes to their facial expressions and body language. Your spoken words may say one thing, but your facial expressions may mean and say something altogether entirely different. Often times, when people become nervous or apprehensive in certain situations, or when around certain kinds of individuals, they start to smile nervously. It’s a forced smile to hide the fact your uncomfortable inside. It’s aimed at conveying everything is fine when in fact you have a “knotted stomach.” In this example we all do it at times and to a certain extent its not inappropriate even if in fact we are hiding our true feelings. The fact is, it’s unlikely to get us in trouble. But what are instances where a nervous smile can get us in trouble and what’s going on? Read more…

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Why is it So Darn Hard to Lose Weight? And Keep It Off!

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girl looking forlorn at her diet meal

By the fact you’re reading this article I know you want to do something about losing weight. Most likely you’ve tried before (dare I say many?) and are at the same point again wondering how to make it stick this time? People go to extremes and try various expensive weight loss programs, exercise programs, and even diet pills and ‘miracle’ supplements to try and lose weight. Many also try various diet fads, low carb diets one moment, and then low fat diets the next, only to find themselves taking backward steps while muttering, “Why is it so darn hard to lose weight?” So, why is it so darn hard to lose weight?

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Mind the Gap – Moving to the Right Side of Your Potential Gap

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Mind the Gap sign over London underground map

We all have unrealized dreams. Maybe we’ve had them since childhood or they’ve grown on us since adulthood, or we were touched by somebody we wanted to emanate. It can be a career or wealth, or a role we want to play in our community. It doesn’t matter because the effect is the same… a gap. We each have a large potential. It could be physical – such as the athletic kind – or it could be some other level of success such as being an entrepreneur, or being a loving spouse and parent. You’re on the path heading in the right direction but you just can’t seem to bridge… the gap to your potential. We know what we want to become, and see other’s achieving it but we can’t seem to figure out how to bridge the gap for ourselves. We’re left on the wrong side of the gap. We mostly know what we need to do but can’t seem to consistently follow through and take action, or when we do it just doesn’t move us forward. We continually flounder on the wrong side of our potential.

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Image of iPhone and earbuds showing picture of Erika Slater


In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...