Special Quit Smoking Group Session in Mashpee Cape Cod MA On November 6th, 2019
Stop Smoking Group Session using
hypnosis Offered for one day only on
November 6th, 2019 at 7pm in
Mashpee for $59 with Erika Slater CH.
The Great American Smokeout takes place the third Thursday in November (the Thursday before Thanksgiving).
In 2019 this is November 21st, however, this year I will be offering my Great American Smokeout Day on Wednesday November 6th, 2019 at 7pm in my Mashpee office location.
The cost of this special session on this day will be $59 paid in advance due to limited seating in my group conference room.
The session will last approx. 90 minutes - 2 hours.
The group session will take place in my conference room at 400 Nathan Ellis Hwy, Suite B, Mashpee MA 02649. My phone number to contact me if you have any questions is: 508.269.0109.
Limited spots are available due to size of room so you must pre-register using the sign-up form below.
Spots will be allocated strictly based on the order we receive registration confirmation. Once you are registered I will send you instructions on how to prepay to guarantee your spot.
I respect your privacy and will never rent or sell this information to
anyone else. I hate "spam" as well. See our Privacy Policy here
Who is Erika Slater?
Erika Slater has been servicing the Massachusetts region for 14 years.
Erika has been a professional and full-time hypnotist since 2004. She is certified by, and a member of, the National Guild of Hypnotists.
But her expertise goes well beyond the requirements of certification.
She’s been helping individuals stop smoking for decades through her private and group smoking cessation programs.
Hypnosis so dramatically changed her life through helping her to quit smoking after trying everything else, that she decided to help others become a non-smoker.
*Hypnosis has been used to help smoker’s quit for over 40 years. It’s safe, quick and effective for helping people quit. Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon proving invaluable in eradicating damaging habits.
Here’s What to Do Next…
You don’t have to be a resident of Cape Cod to be part of this special Stop Smoking Event. Feel free to tell family and smoker friends about this offer to quit. You must pre-register for this special quit smoking session. Complete the form below otherwise we'll not be able to admit you to the session due to room restrictions.
I respect your privacy and will never rent or sell this information to
anyone else. I hate "spam" as well. See our Privacy Policy here
I look forward to you becoming a non-smoker.
Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis
In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...