A Group Weight Loss Service Combining the Power of Online Coaching and Hypnosis Over 6 Sessions in 12 Weeks!
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Are you feeling any of these about your current or previous attempts using any weight loss service?
Conflicting and confusing information on the right diet for you?
Disappointment over how much weight you lost for the commitment and effort you’ve put in?
Still craving all the foods you had to give up – especially sugar?
Nobody to provide help and guidance through the barriers and challenges of your weight loss journey – you feel you’re on your own?
There are a fortunate few who decide to lose weight, pick a diet that sounds good to their tastes, and within a few months reach their weight goal.
But wait... then they stay on the diet and don’t gain the weight back again.
It’s all sounds like a weight loss fairy story, right?
Unfortunately, for most of us it really is a fairy story.
So, you end up frustrated and even angry all these diets seem to work... but not for you!
Remember all the typical glowing testimonials most of these products and services carry: “I lost 30 lbs. in four weeks”, “I’ve been on this diet for only two weeks and have the energy level of when I was 21-years old.” “I was 70 pounds overweight and now it’s all gone and I feel great and love my diet.”
But the fortunate few do have this kind of success, so it’s not deceptive.
What’s the secret these people are keeping from you?
When is this “success” going to happen to you?
I’m going to explain how it can be for you, but first I need to fill in some missing details about those four problem areas I started out explaining…
1. Conflicting and confusing information on the right diet for you?
People are confused with the conflicting information they get from the diet gurus. They all present a great pitch with scientifically proven facts about why their diet is the best for you. How many diet books do you have on your shelf? They tell us: Don’t eat red meat. Don’t eat peanuts or cashews, only these 3 or 4 nuts. Only eat plants, but then only these plants! No dairy of any kind. Cut out coffee. No grains. Avoid glutens like the plague. No processed sugars or junk food or soda – actually I agree wholeheartedly with those last recommendations.
Even the diet gurus have arguments among themselves over their different theories. And our government every now and then pumps out a bunch of ancient nutritional history to the unsuspecting population, which contradicts what a lot of the health gurus are telling us? Phew, who are you really to believe?
We’re learning through ongoing research there are some basic truths about foods you must know to choose a diet to suit your body chemistry.
2. Disappointment over how much weight you lost for the commitment and effort you’ve put in?
It’s relatively easy to lose a few lbs. in your first few weeks of a diet as its mostly water.
Once the water retention is released then you’re attacking the fat areas - those bulges around your waist and other areas. These represent the real weight to be lost.
But, this is more stubborn to remove, right?
Many people get frustrated and disappointed when they step on the scales daily but see no measurable loss of their weight despite following their diet faithfully.
They feel their expectations haven’t been met. The initial excitement of shedding pounds quickly evaporates along with their enthusiasm for their diet program.
But most health professionals will tell you small steady weight loss is healthier and a more sustainable way of losing weight.
3. Still craving all the foods you had to give up – especially processed sugar?
This problem is common even among people who've lost significant weight on a diet over time, but they still crave all the things they know caused them to become overweight in the first place. It’s frustrating and disheartening because people rightly expect their tastes will change to crave the healthy foods they’re now eating.
Eventually, because of the intensity of these cravings most people succumb to them and return to bad food habits.
But there’s a scientific and logical reason why the cravings are still there, but also thankfully a fix if this has happened to you.
4. Nobody to provide help and guidance through the barriers and challenges of your weight loss journey?
People losing weight tend to reach a plateau after a few weeks or months.
Most diet and weight loss books don’t cover it adequately because it’s hard to give specific advice on getting unstuck to an individual when a book has been written for an audience of millions.
Weight loss membership clubs like “Weight Watchers” or “Slimmer’s World” provide gatherings and support groups but its what I call a “cheerleader” approach. This gap of ability to help those struggling is often the cause why people slip off their diet and revert to bad old food habits.
They tell themselves this diet just didn’t work for me.
But the stubborn and difficult barriers people meet during their journey are usually related to non-diet issues, which books and membership groups can’t address. What is needed is a holistic approach and strategies for removing obstinate subconscious blocks to progress.
Despite these four common problems people encounter when trying to lose weight, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be successful in your weight loss journey.
Now you know you need a program that anticipates and addresses holistically all these problems during your journey…
It's Time for a Different Approach
Over the years I’ve developed a core weight loss program centered around hypnosis. When I started offering my sessions online I found delivering them in a webinar format over the Internet became popular due to the benefits of the format. I’ve run some pilot groups in early 2017 and coupled with feedback from both my private and initial group participants I begun to formulate a new version of my weight loss program especially for online groups.
By adding in coaching and therapeutic storytelling components I'm able to offer a program that not only addresses the four problems discussed above... but much more.
In a nutshell this is what's included in my 6 session program...
My name is Erika Slater and I've been a full-time professional hypnotist since 2004. I received my training and certification from the National Guild of Hypnotists. I've been offering weight loss services, both private and group, to my clients since I started my business. Here are some comments from others who taken my weight loss programs...
Details of My Group Weight Loss Program
You’ll be receiving 6 information-packed weight loss coaching and hypnosis sessions with me, each a minimum of 90-minutes duration. You'll also get access to the recording of each session for the duration of the 3-month program, along with all the other benefits of this program.
Now onto the cost of the program...
Group Online Program Cost: $360
(6 session price)
I'm now taking pre-registration for my next online group weight loss program.
Once you register using the form below I'll provide you the next available date as soon as its available..
What Do You Need to Participate in these Webinars?
In order to participate in this program, you’ll need a computer with a stable and cable fast Internet connection, and a microphone, so you can interact on the calls. We strongly recommend you also have a set of headphones you can plug into your computer as this will provide you the best experience during the hypnosis portion of each class.
Here's How to Take the Next Step...
If you're committed to losing weight and will do whatever it takes then I urge you to register for this 6 session group online/webinar program. To ensure I provide a quality experience for all participants I have to limit the number of people we can accept into this program so if you want to be part of it please act now and pre-register today.
If you have further questions about this program or want to speak to me to see if it's right for you then please call me at: 508.269.0109 and leave your name and phone number after the greeting. The greeting will explain when I do call backs each day. Depending on the time you leave the message most of the time I'll call you back the same day.
To pre-register and reserve one of the limited spots available now to avoid disappointment complete the form below, and then press the orange button to submit.
Group Online Program Cost: $360
(6 session price)
I respect your privacy and will never rent or sell this information to
anyone else. I hate "spam" as well. See our Privacy Policy here
You know you have to change to reach the weight loss results you want and deserve, and hypnosis makes it easier for you to adopt and maintain the changes.
Erika Slater CH
Free At Last Hypnosis
In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...