Group Quit Smoking Program in One 2-Hour Session For $0 - FREE!
Looking instead for our private stop smoking hypnosis program then click here >>>
Whether you're currently trying to quit smoking or thinking about it but you've been disappointed in the past and ready to try something different then I may have something that'll interest you. I have a one session small group smoking cessation hypnosis program delivered to you in 2-hours. It'll provide you the tools and guidance to help you become a non-smoker.
The cost of this program to you will be $0 - FREE!
The session will last approximately 2 hours and comes with a free reinforcement MP3 file you can download for your personal use.
This group session will take place online using Zoom.
Once you're registered I will send you instructions on how to join the online group session.
Register below now for my last Group online session.
I respect your privacy and will never rent or sell this information to
anyone else. I hate "spam" as well. See our Privacy Policy here
Who is Erika Slater?
Hypnosis has been successfully used to help smoker's quit for over 40 years, and is a proven method. It's safe, quick and effective for helping people quit. Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon proving invaluable in eradicating damaging habits.
I've been a professional and full-time hypnotist servicing the Massachusetts region since 2004. I'm certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, and I continue to attend advanced certification programs for expansion of my services and the benefit of my clients.
But my expertise goes well beyond the requirements of certification. I've helped hundreds of people quit through my private and group smoking cessation programs.
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Details About this Program
You'll get one 2-hour group session and access to a reinforcement MP3 recording you can download and listen to as often as you need.
My group stop smoking is offered currently online using Zoom. Please review the registration form below and choose the November date.
Before registering please make sure you're ready to quit.
This is an enjoyable but intense session for people serious about quitting. It's expected you attend the session with a commitment to do whatever I ask, and to participate and leverage the resources you'll be provided.
This is the price if you register for this program today...
Group Program Cost: $0 - FREE
Once you register using the form below instructions on connecting online
will be provided to you in a separate email
Here's How To Take the Next Step...
If you're committed to becoming a non-smoker and will do whatever it takes then I urge you to register for this group program. You can register by completing the web form below and then press the orange submit button.
Once you've submitted your contact details in the form below you'll receive a welcome email and further instructions.
I respect your privacy and will never rent or sell this information to
anyone else. I hate "spam" as well. See our Privacy Policy here
I look forward to helping you become a non-smoker.
Erika Slater, CH
Free At Last Hypnosis
In this free audio hypnosis session, you’ll experience the power of your subconscious mind to begin to change your habits. If you've never experienced hypnosis before then this is a great introduction...