Overcoming Addiction to Porn

by Peter Sacco

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Internet is making addiction to porn easier for men…

WARNING: This article attempts to treat a serious problem in a mature and non-offensive manner. However, if you’re easily offended then please do not read further.

When you examine the fastest growing and most common addictions among men, is it any surprise that it is an addiction to pornography?

Research and statistics now show that there are well over 100 million web pages devoted to pornography, and it grows each day and seems more prevalent.

Pornography has become more popular than NFL football, NASCAR and the UFC which are extremely important forms of viewing entertainment to men.

Furthermore, what once used to be an activity limited to television viewing or adult only theaters, pornography has quickly become a medium that men can view anytime and anywhere.

Herein lies the problem… pornography has become so easily accessible and also free.

Is it any wonder why so many men are behaving like kids in a candy store where they just can’t seem to get enough?

I have done much research into pornography viewing habits and addictions and find that it has the ability to become addictive very fast! Often times, people start out their pornography viewing habits out of curiosity or sheer boredom.

Before long it becomes habitual due to the visual and even ecstatic orgasmic arousal that it produces that they become addicted to it. Since so many people have Blackberries, I-Phones, I-Pads and other small electronic devices that have data plans, it is not uncommon for many men to take porn to work with them, watch it during lunch breaks, sit out in parking lots, etc.

The desire becomes a want which quickly becomes a “need” to have to engage in some kind of porn viewing to get aroused and satisfied. And there are tremendous consequences that occur once one becomes hooked on porn.

I wrote a self-help book entitled, The Madonna Complex with my co-author Debra Laino who is a sex therapist.

When you link pornography addictions to the Madonna Complex, you quickly get someone who develops a full-blown sex addiction, which ironically does not even include their own spouse!

Some male porn addicts possessing Madonna complex use strip clubs, massage parlors and escorts/prostitutes to satiate their sexual urges, hungers and fantasies. This is “okay” in their minds because they really are not cheating, rather using the services of a paid professional.

You see, many with sex addictions begin lying to themselves that sex is just a physical act and does not involve emotion. And for the most part they really are able to separate the act from their emotions, therefore believing that they are not cheating on their mates.

Furthermore, many create a “dual self” for themselves which serves as this alter ego.

In the end, many men who possess the Madonna complex, become porn addicts, and/or become incapable of having sexual relations with their wives.

So many wives “blame” themselves for being unattractive, or not sexy, but the real problem begins, lies and flourishes within the men who are not able to process the world of sexuality. This destroys many marriages and the ability to form bonds of trust suffers.

The best way to treat pornography addiction is very much like treating a sex addiction or any addiction for that matter – support groups and 12 Step programs.

They are very effective, efficient and provide positive results in the ability to overcome the addiction. They are confidential and best of all, you can find a host of them on-line and participate through the Internet.

Alternatively, if you’re not ready for a support group but want to make a step forward and away from your addiction then check out this hypnosis MP3 session here >>>


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Peter Andrew Sacco Ph.D.
Staff Writer
Free At Last Hypnosis

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